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Ottawa, Canada – Ontario
ottawa@fpac.ca  |  (613) 563-1441
Website: www.fpac.ca

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. The $65-billion-a-year forest products industry represents 2% of Canada’s GDP and is one of Canada’s largest employers operating in hundreds of communities and providing 230,000 direct jobs across the country.


Company History

The Canadian forest products industry has overcome significant challenges and is now unleashing its enormous potential as a global leader in transformation and breakthrough innovation ― a revolution that will result in significant economic opportunity and jobs. More and more surprising uses are being discovered for wood fibre ― everything from clothing to car parts, from cosmetics to chemicals to advanced construction systems and more.

Using these “green” bio-products in some traditional consumer goods would be good for the planet as it would decrease the product’s carbon footprint and reduce overall reliance on fossil fuels. Canada is uniquely positioned to take advantage of the economic promise of these value-added eco-friendly products because of our abundant renewable forest resource. The Canadian forest products sector is poised to lead the global revolution in developing game changing technology from wood fibre by leveraging our unique innovation system of strategic partnership alignment, pooled resources, and targeted research which involves governments, industry, research bodies, academia and others.

Company Facts

Canada’s Forest Products Industry by the Numbers:
– Employs more than 230,000; is the lifeblood of much of rural Canada
– Generates $65 billion/year in economic activity
– Exports to more than 180 countries; is Canada’s number one exporter to Asia, including China
– Has invested $1.5 billion in clean tech innovation over the past five years
– Is one of the largest employers of Aboriginal people


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