Categories for Green Dream Blog

Summer Adventures

July 17, 2018 9:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello everyone! I wanted to take this blog to tell you a little bit about the adventures, the camping, and the road trips I’ve taken so far this summer.

In mid-June Brendan and I went on a spontaneous weekend camping trip with my sister and her husband. We drove out to Merritt (about an hour away from us) to a beautiful provincial park called Kentucky Alleyne Lake!

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Blog #3 – Kayla Brock

July 17, 2018 9:24 am Published by 2 Comments

Hello all, and welcome to the third round of blog entries! For those of you who didn’t see, us Quesnel bloggers (Matthew, Alex and I) got interviewed for the local newspaper. If you didn’t see it afloat throughout Facebook (or you aren’t my grandparents who thought they needed eight billion copies), here is the link:

At the end of June,

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Sightseeing in the Cariboo Area

July 17, 2018 9:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last blog, I said this blog would cover the final stage of the manufacturing process. However, to give myself and my readers a break I decided to write about some of the recreational opportunities the Cariboo has to offer.

Quesnel, British Columbia was once the trade capital of the Cariboo Gold Rush. As gold became less and less abundant,

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Getting the Broader Scope

July 16, 2018 4:00 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello world, welcome back to my blog!

This week’s post is all about an exciting experience that I had when working in the field last week. It was something that wasn’t planned, and it required immediate attention. I’ll recapture my day for you.

It began in the early morning. I arrived at work, packed my truck with my gear,

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What a Day at Work Consists of for a Forestry Planning Summer Student

July 16, 2018 3:23 pm Published by 2 Comments

For those readers that may not be particularly literate in forestry practices and jargon, I thought I’d take a moment to fully explain what it is I do on a daily basis.

The main task myself and my current bush partner Doug have been assigned with is site plan (SP) data collection. At this point in time, the blocks we are working in have been layed out and a cutting permit has typically already been obtained.

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Working at LP-East River

July 9, 2018 12:43 pm Published by 1 Comment

Welcome back everyone! The summer weather has finally showed up here in NS. These last two weeks of June have brought some rain and lots of sun, everything is very dry so ill consider the rain “good” weather. There’s actually supposed to be a heat wave across NS for Canada Day weekend, some areas are to expect temperatures up to 40 °C with the humidex.

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Heating Things Up

July 3, 2018 2:26 pm Published by 2 Comments

Last blog I touched on what happens in the planer. Since I started at the end of the process it only makes sense to go backwards. Before the wood goes through the planer, it must be dried in the kilns. The drying process of wood is crucial to every application of the finished product. It prevents premature decay, increases strength,

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Blog 2 – Jessica Rempel

July 3, 2018 12:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello again!


For those of you who read my previous post and played the little game at the end, here’s the truth and lies. Believe it or not, I am just as nerdy as it seems; I do have 50 digits of pi memorized and I can solve a rubik’s cube in 90 seconds. I have also been known to rip a few phone books in half,

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Blog 2 – Conner Kazema

July 3, 2018 10:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It has almost been two weeks since I last wrote in this blog and what a two weeks it has been! I cannot believe how quickly time is going by this summer. Weyerhaeuser has given me a large variety of jobs with a differentiating level of difficulty that have all been greatly satisfying to complete. I’ll detail some of those jobs here,

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June 29, 2018 2:47 pm Published by 1 Comment

Throughout the first six weeks of work at West Fraser, much chatter amongst the summer students has revolved around potential camping and backpacking trips in the surrounding Cariboo Mountains and beyond; however, due to everyone’s unpredictable and busy schedules, the logistics of such an excursion have proved easier said than done. During the second weekend of June, myself and four other summer students,

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Look for the “bear” necessities…

June 28, 2018 12:09 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello, again!

So, by the time this gets posted, my summer will be officially half way over (where does time go?!).

BUT, I am SO excited to share: I OFFICIALLY SAW MY FIRST GRIZZLY!!! (See attached video). It was literally the coolest thing I have ever seen. I looked down into the block from the road,

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Blog 2 – Courtney Jackson

June 26, 2018 10:32 am Published by 1 Comment

Hey everyone!

Welcome to the second blog post!

This week, I wanted to elaborate on why my summer job at Resolute Forest Products has been an absolute blast!

On my very first day at Resolute, I remember walking into the Woodlands building feeling a little nervous, but mostly excited. I was thrilled to have accepted my position at Resolute,

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Blog 1 – Jessica Rempel

June 19, 2018 3:03 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello everyone, my name is Jess!

I’m honored to have you following along with my adventures this summer! Let me first tell you a little bit about myself. I am 23 years old and currently studying Mechanical Engineering at UBC Okanagan in Kelowna, BC. Kelowna has been home to me for the majority of my life, having moved here from Gillam,

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Blog 1 – Kayla Brock

June 19, 2018 1:44 pm Published by 7 Comments

I’d like to start out by saying hello to all my readers! Whether you are in the forest industry or not (and if you’re not, I’ll try not to confuse you too bad), your time to stay involved in my summer is greatly appreciated.

Before I begin, I should introduce myself a little more. My name is Kayla Brock,

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This is the green dream!

June 19, 2018 1:33 pm Published by 2 Comments

Hello and welcome to my Green Dream Blog!

My name is Courtney Jackson, I am a twenty-four year old, Fish and Wildlife Technician and an outdoors enthusiast! I am very passionate about our environment and I love to learn about the Earth. Anyone that knows me, knows that I like to ask a lot of questions. It is simply because I love to learn,

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A Frosty End to Spring

June 19, 2018 1:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello Everyone!

I’m going to start this first blog by saying thank you to the FPAC for giving me the chance to be a Green Dream intern this summer, I’m so excited to share my experiences with you all. For those of you reading who don’t know me, my name is Mandy, and I grew up in Shubenacadie,

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Blog #1 – A Little Background Information

June 19, 2018 10:21 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I have been working with West Fraser, Quesnel for the past month and a half. Last summer I was working in their Edson, AB division. My specialization in both internships was in the planer mill.

The planer is the last stage of manufacturing in the modern sawmill. After being cut and dried, the planer is responsible for giving each piece a smooth finish,

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The Millar Western Experience – Prologue

June 18, 2018 12:57 pm Published by 1 Comment

Hello all and welcome to my summer! I would like to start off by thanking FPAC for the opportunity to share my experiences with you all and (hopefully) inspire some future foresters. In the prologue of my summer story, I thought I would introduce myself.

I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and am a soon to be Forestry graduate from the University of Alberta.

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Hello everyone!

June 18, 2018 12:39 pm Published by 1 Comment

As a first-time blogger with FPAC, I will be sharing biweekly blog posts focussing on the forestry industry in BC, my recreational weekend adventures, and life as a West Fraser summer student employee. In this first entry, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and summarize the many highlights of my first month of work at West Fraser.

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Blog 1 – Conner Kazema

June 18, 2018 11:54 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I would just like to open by expressing how excited I am to get to blog my experience working in the forestry industry throughout the summer! This is my first time working in the forest products industry so I am excitedly anticipating what the future months have in store for me.

I’ll spare some time to talk about myself so as to quell any confusion from potential readers of this blog.

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My final sign off

October 3, 2017 2:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Another summer has come and gone, and I am so pleased with how it went! For my last blog, there are three different points I wanted to touch on. They are all very different topics so I’ll dive right in.

During my last week I got to go up and observe the crane working. Oh man, this was the coolest thing!

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Top 10 Lakes in the 100 Mile House Area

October 3, 2017 2:28 pm Published by 4 Comments

Green Lake

This picturesque lake lives up to its name with beautiful blue-green water. It is located just east of 70 Mile House and features several public parks. It is a favorite for cabin goers and campers throughout the summer season. Lots of opportunity for boating, in particular water sports. Green Lake is not highly regarded as a fishing lake but The aspen forests and open meadows provide some of the most delightful walking trails around.

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Green Dream Blog 6 – Energy Saving Projects at Canfor

October 3, 2017 2:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the aspects of my job as an Energy Management Co-op at Canfor involves creating employee awareness content about energy savings tips, as well as to highlight some of the completed and ongoing projects happening around the mill. Because of this, I have had the opportunity to learn about many different projects at Northwood, and wanted to share some information about some of the types of projects that have been completed,

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Blog #7: Summer 2017 comes to a close

October 3, 2017 2:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow. How is it already September? Not only does that date mean that it’s time for the weather to get cold again, it also means that I only have four more months in BC until I head back to New Brunswick for a semester of school. Another thing September means is the end of the Green Dream blog for the summer.

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Regeneration surveys

October 3, 2017 2:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

During the last week in August, I had the opportunity to try something new. I had the chance to survey a cutblock from 2011 to see how the establishment of species were coming. Although this task is not preformed a lot in my job. Sometimes it is necessary to survey old cutblocks to make sure the block is reproducing acceptable amounts of merchantable species such as Trembling Aspen,

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