The Forest Products Sector Canada’s “Greenest Workforce”
If you have some of the many and diverse skills that are in demand in Canada’s forest products industry, or if you’re an industry employer with positions to fill, is for you. Canada’s forest products sector is a world leader in environmental stewardship and sustainability. We have virtually zero deforestation and maintain more original, protected and certified forests than any other country in the world.A Unique Resource for Job Seekers
This site is where qualified job seekers can find and apply for forest company job openings across the country. You’ll also find here information on the many advantages of living and working in a forest community and on what jobs are in demand now and which ones will be in five years. Plus you can use our career path and job matching tools to help find your dream job.
Join Canada’s greenest workforce and help the forest products industry forge an innovative path to a sustainable future.
A Direct Connection to Qualified Workers for Employers
The Greenest Workforce job board is a FREE way to give added visibility to your job openings and to identify and connect with a qualified talent pool. Thousands of qualified forest sector jobseekers could be looking for you!
Access to Labour Market Information and Forecasting Tools
Our forestry products Labour Market Information (LMI) reports cover industry job trends and forecasts as well as current openings for specific jobs and locations. is a project of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), with funding from the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program.