Categories for Green Dream Blog

Forestry is (The) Calling

February 10, 2015 9:39 am Published by 1 Comment

There is no denying the economic outlook in forestry has shifted in recent years to one of decided optimism. With international markets like China and Japan driving demand, increasing harvest levels, active research into alternative and innovative uses for wood, it would appear forestry is an appealing sector that can readily attract the next generation’s young and bright minds. But experience would often suggest otherwise.

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A Green Dream Success Story

December 11, 2014 5:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This is now my second summer living in Peace River and I’m glad to be back. Last summer I got an internship with Daishowa Marubeni International by winning a contest put on by the greenest workforce called the green dream contest, where students interested in a career in forestry could win an internship with a forestry company. The summer was great and I learned a lot about forestry and the various programs that DMI is involved with that are helping to develop a better understanding of Alberta’s forest ecosystems.

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Last Weeks

September 11, 2014 2:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In the last weeks of this internship, the herbicide program is ongoing, with long days spent in the field at the mercy of the weather. Luckily, however, one more amazing experience was scheduled into my summer: a day spent with the Director of Environmental and First Nations Relations, Chris McDonell. On this day, we travelled into the heart of the Chapleau Game Preserve to attend a gathering of the Missanabie Cree.

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My Final Blog

September 11, 2014 11:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Well guys, I guess this is my final blog of the summer; I’m still in disbelief that it’s over. I know it sounds cheesy but it literally feels like yesterday I started my internship with Weyerhaeuser. The last week was probably one of the calmest weeks of the entire summer. Completing lots of wrap up tasks, compiling the herbicide data and washing a ton of mud off the quads and pickups.

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