Categories for Green Dream Blog

Drones used in Forestry

September 12, 2018 3:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome back to my blog!

Happy September everyone! It already feels like fall in Thunder Bay because the mornings are cool, and the air is crisp. As always, Thunder Bay is a beautiful place to be and often, the sun is shining. As I have previously mentioned in my other blogs, there is an endless number of things to do and see here north-western,

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Blog 8 – Connor Kazema

September 11, 2018 3:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

So now I’m back in the Queen City of Regina, Saskatchewan! People are back to school and I’m making an attempt to get my mind readjusted to student life. I have to turn the switch in my mind from mill worker to pre-service teacher.

We had our first day back in the classroom on Friday, August 31 and it was great to see all my old University friends once again.

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Blog 8 – Kayla Brock

September 11, 2018 3:13 pm Published by 1 Comment

It’s over! I can’t believe how fast this summer flew by. It seems they get faster and faster every year. This summer was full of so many new experiences, such as fire fighting, silviculture surveys, helicopter rides, timber cruising; the list could go on. I am so thankful for the new friends I made and I hope we all cross paths again soon!

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Blog 7 – Kayla Brock

September 11, 2018 3:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello everyone! Today was my last bush day of the summer! My remaining two days are office days and clean up days. It’s unbelievable this is almost over. I’ve had such a great summer and am beyond relieved I expanded my comfort zone by taking this out-of-town position. Silviculture was a lot of fun, and I developed a huge interest in it.

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last day at Weyerhaeuser

September 11, 2018 3:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

So my last day at Weyerhaeuser has come and gone. With it I’ve gained a newfound respect for the forest products industry and the amount of time and effort that goes not only into the manufacturing of the OSB, but also the time spent on ensuring safe work practices. I’d like to personally thank everyone I worked with and everyone who helped teach me along the way.

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Heading Back to University

September 11, 2018 2:53 pm Published by 1 Comment

Well folks, this will be my last blog as a Green Dream Intern. My co-op term is finished, and I am returning to university for my final year of Chemical Engineering. It will be bitter sweet leaving LP. I made so many great memories and have learned so many valuable things that will benefit me in my future career, but am I looking forward to returning to school and finishing up my degree.

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Blog 7 – Jessica Rempel

September 11, 2018 2:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Okay friends, it’s time I gave you an update on all the exciting things I’ve been doing at work. Because believe me, it has been VERY exciting (at least to me).

The project that I have been working on for the past 4 months (the one I described in blog #2) is finally being rolled out into the Sawmill.

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Lunch Hour Hiking Trips

September 7, 2018 10:51 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In this blog, I will show you readers some pictures I took of my lunch hour walks with my supervisor during my time at LP. Luckily enough, the LP East River mill is located near a beautiful trail system called Rails to Trails. This series of trails received its name because the railways that were once there were quite literally converted into trails.

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Miscellaneous Summer Adventures

September 4, 2018 4:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In this blog I will be talking about some of the miscellaneous things that I have done throughout the summer that haven’t made it in any of my blogs yet.

I had a few trips to Dylan’s family cottage. They had actually just purchased the cottage in the fall of 2017, so this summer was the first summer we were able to go to there for some peaceful relaxation time.

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The Modern Sawmill

September 4, 2018 3:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As you may know, over my internship I was primarily working on the finishing steps of production in the planer. Although I was pretty tied up working on projects there, I did get a chance to look at the rough products in the sawmill more than a few times throughout my internship

The sawmill is one of the oldest manufacturing facilities in human civilization.

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Whitewater Rafting

August 29, 2018 9:58 am Published by Leave your thoughts

At West Fraser in Quesnel, there is an unpredictable somewhat annual rafting trip that takes place during the summer months. To our delight, the entire Woodlands office received an email a couple of weeks ago giving the green light for this trip to take place.

It was a cold, smoky morning at the office when we were greeted with a “Big Canyon Rafting” bus in the middle of the lower parking lot.

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August 29, 2018 9:39 am Published by 1 Comment

I decided to use this blog entry as a more thorough way of learning about my office co-workers. I learned they all have a good sense of humor, but no talent in writing poetry. I’m also not sure if I realized how young I am, or how old these office people are. I interviewed 10 employees and asked them the same series of questions.

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August 29, 2018 9:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hey readers!

Well, it’s officially my last week at Resolute, as their Woodlands Operations Intern for the summer of 2018! Already, my week is off to a great start! But, what else is new?! Last week, I wrote a blog on the log quality checks that are complete by the Woodlands Operations team, including myself, in Resolute’s harvesting operations.

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Californ – i – a

August 27, 2018 1:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This past month my boss was ever so gracious to give me a week off work so that I could embark on a great adventure down to California. This wasn’t just any ordinary trip to California though, we were convoying down with 25 other people, down the Oregon coast, through the sand dunes, driving through redwood trees, and cruising over the Golden Gate Bridge.

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