Categories for Green Dream Blog

The Highlight of my Summer

July 27, 2018 2:09 pm Published by 1 Comment

As I had stated in my previous post, I was hoping to put together a “day in the life” work video; however, due to the demise of my GoPro during the day I was attempting to film this video, I will be resorting back to a weekend that has been the highlight of my summer thus far.

From the moment my father heard I would be spending my summer up in Quesnel,

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The Millar Western Experience – Chapter 2

July 18, 2018 11:14 am Published by 1 Comment

“Canada D’Eh in the Rockies”

One of my favorite things about working in the forest sector is living in a forest town. And, one of my favorite things about the active, scenic forest town of Whitecourt is its location: close to all that’s best of both the city and the country. Whitecourt, in west-central Alberta, is approximately two hours’ drive from Edmonton and three hours from Jasper National Park;

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My Top 5 Things to do in Hudson Bay in the Summer

July 18, 2018 11:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

To preface, this list is totally subjective to my own interests and experiences in Hudson Bay so this is definitely not speaking for everybody or even for everything that can be done here. There are plenty of other things people enjoy here, (that I don’t) like hunting, quading, biking etc. For me, I enjoy nature oriented activities, so that’s mostly what going to take precedence in this list.

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NS Adventures

July 18, 2018 10:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome back everyone! In my last blog I talked about the operations processes where I work (LP-East River) so if you missed it and are interested, go back and have a look. In this blog I will be talking about some of the Nova Scotia adventures I’ve experienced so far this summer – maybe it’ll inspire some of you readers to come visit our beautiful province.

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The Millar Western Experience – Chapter 1

July 17, 2018 9:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The North Goose Bear Problem

One of the fundamental rules of fieldwork is that nothing is going to play out exactly the way you planned. Let me explain. Earlier this week, I made a plan for what I wanted to accomplish at work that day. I would be driving north for what should have been a fairly relaxed day of inspecting roads.

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Summer Adventures

July 17, 2018 9:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello everyone! I wanted to take this blog to tell you a little bit about the adventures, the camping, and the road trips I’ve taken so far this summer.

In mid-June Brendan and I went on a spontaneous weekend camping trip with my sister and her husband. We drove out to Merritt (about an hour away from us) to a beautiful provincial park called Kentucky Alleyne Lake!

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Blog #3 – Kayla Brock

July 17, 2018 9:24 am Published by 2 Comments

Hello all, and welcome to the third round of blog entries! For those of you who didn’t see, us Quesnel bloggers (Matthew, Alex and I) got interviewed for the local newspaper. If you didn’t see it afloat throughout Facebook (or you aren’t my grandparents who thought they needed eight billion copies), here is the link:

At the end of June,

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Sightseeing in the Cariboo Area

July 17, 2018 9:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last blog, I said this blog would cover the final stage of the manufacturing process. However, to give myself and my readers a break I decided to write about some of the recreational opportunities the Cariboo has to offer.

Quesnel, British Columbia was once the trade capital of the Cariboo Gold Rush. As gold became less and less abundant,

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Getting the Broader Scope

July 16, 2018 4:00 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello world, welcome back to my blog!

This week’s post is all about an exciting experience that I had when working in the field last week. It was something that wasn’t planned, and it required immediate attention. I’ll recapture my day for you.

It began in the early morning. I arrived at work, packed my truck with my gear,

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What a Day at Work Consists of for a Forestry Planning Summer Student

July 16, 2018 3:23 pm Published by 2 Comments

For those readers that may not be particularly literate in forestry practices and jargon, I thought I’d take a moment to fully explain what it is I do on a daily basis.

The main task myself and my current bush partner Doug have been assigned with is site plan (SP) data collection. At this point in time, the blocks we are working in have been layed out and a cutting permit has typically already been obtained.

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Working at LP-East River

July 9, 2018 12:43 pm Published by 1 Comment

Welcome back everyone! The summer weather has finally showed up here in NS. These last two weeks of June have brought some rain and lots of sun, everything is very dry so ill consider the rain “good” weather. There’s actually supposed to be a heat wave across NS for Canada Day weekend, some areas are to expect temperatures up to 40 °C with the humidex.

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Heating Things Up

July 3, 2018 2:26 pm Published by 2 Comments

Last blog I touched on what happens in the planer. Since I started at the end of the process it only makes sense to go backwards. Before the wood goes through the planer, it must be dried in the kilns. The drying process of wood is crucial to every application of the finished product. It prevents premature decay, increases strength,

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Blog 2 – Jessica Rempel

July 3, 2018 12:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello again!


For those of you who read my previous post and played the little game at the end, here’s the truth and lies. Believe it or not, I am just as nerdy as it seems; I do have 50 digits of pi memorized and I can solve a rubik’s cube in 90 seconds. I have also been known to rip a few phone books in half,

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Blog 2 – Conner Kazema

July 3, 2018 10:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It has almost been two weeks since I last wrote in this blog and what a two weeks it has been! I cannot believe how quickly time is going by this summer. Weyerhaeuser has given me a large variety of jobs with a differentiating level of difficulty that have all been greatly satisfying to complete. I’ll detail some of those jobs here,

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June 29, 2018 2:47 pm Published by 1 Comment

Throughout the first six weeks of work at West Fraser, much chatter amongst the summer students has revolved around potential camping and backpacking trips in the surrounding Cariboo Mountains and beyond; however, due to everyone’s unpredictable and busy schedules, the logistics of such an excursion have proved easier said than done. During the second weekend of June, myself and four other summer students,

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