A Picture Says A Thousand Words

7 juillet 2014 10:17 Published by Laisser vos pensées

Even though I love words, it is true that pictures can say thousands of them in an instant. These are some moments in my day that stopped me in my tracks to capture the beauty of that moment. Enjoy!

Raging water during the snow melt in Nebskawshi River near my home for the summer.

Trees reflected in a thawing bog along a hiking trail.

Scarlet Tanager perched at dusk, calling for his mate.


Millions of juvenile Jack Pine await the tree plant at Millson’s Nursery! It’s all about the baby trees!


Roadside river spotted while doing road explorations…gearing up for the thaw!

…And then spring arrives with a bang!

And the wildlife comes out to enjoy it. Here is our first (slightly blurry) moose sighting of the season!

The next set of images comes from an area around Timmins which was burned in 2012 (known as the Timmins 9 Fire), which tore through almost 40,000 hectares in the course of a few days. We are currently replanting this area, which is already on its way back to life. Having never seen an area ravaged by forest fire, I find it haunting, beautiful and always interesting.


It may be a little barren-looking sometimes, but life is always working its way back into this area. It is an ecosystem designed for forest fires. It is not even a matter of “recovering” from such an event, but part of its life cycle.


Below is a photo taken within the burn where the new plant life is flourishing.

And even the wild life is finding new homes within it. I have seen more birds in here than anywhere else while on the tree plant!

And now for some random shots of beauty that are instilled not only in my new iPad, but also my memories forever. I have seen so many beautiful things at this, the half way point of my summer, which it seems gluttonous to keep them to myself 😉

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