Blue Listed Plant Search

6 août 2015 16:05 Published by 1 commentaire

The last two weeks have been quite eventful in/around 100 mile house yet again! These days we are dealing with very hot/dry conditions and high fire hazards. As a layout crew we are deemed low risk but we still have to be careful out there. I’ve been sure to pack lots of water as the hot days can make you dehydrated very quickly. It seems that most of BC is tinder dry right now and I’d like to give a shout out to all the hardworking forest fire fighters out there!

The other morning as we were gearing up for the day a bobcat came walking down the road towards the truck! It got to within 30 meters before it took off into the woods. I’ve only seen one a couple times but this was the closest so it was pretty neat. The next day as we were getting back to the truck at the end of the day, there were two black bays roaming the adjacent cut block eating berries! We let them know we were there but they didn’t care too much and kept eating away.

Fawn and I were assigned a special task this week. Our mission was to try to find a blue listed plant in a couple of blocks that are due to be logged soon. We spent two days looking at the ground as opposed to up in the trees but we didn’t find any sign of the plant so the blocks are good to go!

To top off the last couple weeks, Fawn and I got to go for a helicopter flight over some blocks that we’ve laid out and some blocks that we will be going into. Our helicopter was a Bell 206. It was a sunny day but there was some wind and thermal activity so it was a bit of bumpy ride. I’ve been in helicopters before but it was always for access, basically getting picked up, flying to a location and getting dropped off. When you are checking out timber you are doing a lot of circles and staring at the ground. Needless to say, I didn’t get sick, but I definitely wasn’t feeling great. It was worth it though as the views were awesome and it gives you a perspective of the area that you’re working in.

1 commentaire

  • Dan Rollert says:

    Looks like you are having an interesting summer Devin, keep up with your blog and letting us know what you are learning and experiencing.

    Dan Rollert,
    Woods Manager – South Cariboo

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