Cache Creek Berries

17 août 2015 14:46 Published by Laisser vos pensées

I can’t believe it’s already August! A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Fawn and I have begun to put the finishing touches on some blocks. Now that the boundaries and roads have been laid out, our tasks have been to complete riparian assessments (meaning all water related features, such as wetlands and streams). Depending on the classification of the wetland and creek it needs a certain buffer zone. This is done my measuring the streams/wetlands and classifying them in a certain category. The buffer zone ensures that the wetland/stream will be properly protected during logging.

Throughout the summer, Fawn and I have been going to areas near Cache Creek to make boundary changes as Native artifacts were being found in the area. We were changing boundaries so that these areas where the artifacts were found are protected from disturbance. Anyways we went down South for the last time this summer to make a few more changes. There was a logging contractor working in the area so we had to watch out for logging equipment and logging trucks. I’m going to miss going down to these areas as it has been nice to see some different forests and terrain. I even found a view of some mountains that still had snow on them! (see picture)

Great Outdoor

The berries are currently everywhere is the bush! I’ve been finding Huckleberries, blueberries, Saskatoon’s, and even a few small strawberries. Always a nice little burst of energy after eating some of these delicious wild berries!

Last but not least, I got a tour of the lumber mill. It was very neat to see all of the technology in place to ensure that 99% of the log is used, as well as watching a log get turned into various different cuts/sizes of lumber. It is amazing how much technology is involved in milling wood these days! At the same time, it made me appreciate my job in the bush as it was quite noisy and dusty inside.

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