Hitting The Ground Running

26 mai 2014 20:36 Published by Laisser vos pensées

I am all done my training and officially started my job! Yay! My job this summer is to check the quality of the trees that planters (contractors hired by Millar Western) put into the ground. This is the first time I have ever been looking over other people’s work, which is a huge responsibility, because their pay is determined by the quality of the planting.

Example of a plot. 

The way we assess quality is with a plot cord and counting the trees within the plot, checking and looking at the density, j- rooted trees, shallow trees, loose trees and proper placement (i.e. ensuring the trees are in proper micro sites). The planters must achieve quality of at least 85%, or they do not get paid for that block. I was in the same position as these tree planters when I was “timber cruising”, or tree inventory and ecosystem land classification.  My pay was determined by the quantity and the quality of the work I did on the job. Having been paid on that same basis, my approach was to let them not to be afraid of me and see me as someone who there to help not to tell them that they suck at their job. I don’t want them losing quality, because they don’t like me. I have been trying to be approachable and easy to talk to if they have any questions or concerns.  So far, it seems to be working!

Having a hard time deciding if environmental is right for you?
If you are thinking about going into the environmental field, I highly recommend it. On my first day of college, we were asked “what brings you into this program”, and everyone had a different answer.
• I enjoy the outdoors
• I care about the environment or
• I want to make a difference

Everyone enjoys the outdoors, but everyone doesn’t understand the plants and animals’ purpose within the forest. Once you become aware of the diversity and relationships between species, walking into a forest is like no other experience, because you have the opportunity to see what few people can’t. Without the environment, we have nothing, and people are starting to see that. Most humans have stopped caring about the wellbeing of the creatures around them, which has caused them to stop caring about themselves. This isn’t just because people just don’t care, it’s because people are unaware of their own ignorance. That is why I’m in environmental studies, because I care, and I want to make a difference by helping other people feel the same way. Tree planting is one of the hardest jobs; however, it has the biggest impact for the future. 

Tree planter Cam, showing how it's done.

I put some links to other cool outdoor skills websites below. Thanks for reading!

Safe handling of a knife

Survival website

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