Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan? Really?

29 mai 2015 10:02 Published by 2 commentaires

In October of 2014 I applied for a job with Weyerhaeuser, which had been brought to my attention through my school Lakehead University. After prepping, reconstructing and revising my resume I sent it off to Weyerhaeuser in hopes of landing an interview and hopefully a potential summer job. To my surprise, exactly one week later I received an email with regards to setting up a interviews with
representatives from the Drayton Valley and the Grand Prairie Alberta locations.

Ecstatic about potentially moving (somewhat) closer to the west coast for the summer, I thoroughly did my research and prepared myself for the interview. As the day of the highly anticipated interview approached, I dressed in my most appealing clothing (much different than my casual school attire of sweat pants and a t-shirt) and arrived early to go over my researched notes one last time. I met with Kerri MacKay of Drayton Valley and Dave Kent (Grand Prairie) and underwent my most relaxed yet thrilling interview yet. As I shook their hands and thanked them for taking the time to meet with me, I left the interview room feeling confident and proud of myself. For the following week I constantly checked my phone and email account for any news following the interview, but had yet to hear back. A week and a half after the interview had passed I received a call from Kerri, notifying me that both Alberta locations had hired students within the province, but she had been very pleased with me hence she had passed my name along to the Weyerhaeuser location in Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. Now when I first received the news I was a little hesitant, one because I hadn’t really had much interest in working in the prairies let alone Saskatchewan and two because at the time I assumed the town must have been located somewhat close to Hudson Bay (the body of water). As I did more research and asked professional unbiased opinions from some of my professors, I decided to undergo an interview and act more seriously on potentially working/living in Saskatchewan for the summer. When I underwent the interview with Amanda and Darcy, I was intrigued as they went through and listed possible work throughout the summer, the smallscale staff within the forestland office and lastly (of course) the pay. To my excitement I was offered the job and after mulling it over for 48 hours I jumped at the opportunity and took the job!

I left Thunder Bay, Ontario on April 24, 2015 and began my 14-hour drive to Hudson Bay Saskatchewan. Although I have not lived at home for a few years now, I found myself slightly nervous to move out to a somewhat remote location away from home and any family or friends for that matter. As I arrived in Hudson Bay, I instantly found myself at home. The small unique charm the town of approximately 2000 people, felt so similar to the small town I grew up in and loved so much. Much like home, Hudson Bay is a town where everyone knows each other as well as each other’s business – which can have its ups and downs. So I, being a stranger to the community, stand out like a sore thumb not only because I am not familiar to the people of Hudson Bay but also because I am without a doubt the only person within the town and surrounding area with an Ontario license plate. Although it has taken me longer than it should be to understand and mentally map out the streets within
the town, I have really grown to enjoy the feeling of home in a town that is so far from my actual home of Thornbury Ontario.

I have been working at the forestlands office in Hudson Bay since April 27, 2015 (approximately 3 weeks now) and I have already learned and experienced so much. It is much different than my summer job working with Simcoe County last summer, but I have found the change of pace and work so mentally and physically stimulating. In the past three weeks I have achieved and undergone many different
tasks from basic paperwork to regeneration surveys and road layout all of which have began as new experiences which I am beginning to grasp and feel confortable doing. Personally I struggle with myself, as I am the type of person who expects myself to understand and accomplish new tasks/jobs with ease – but in the real world I understand this is not realistic. I am slowly gaining confidence in the work that is given to me and myself as I expand my forestry knowledge and apply what I have learned in my past three years of university. I am thoroughly enjoying my new
job as well as my new home and the new experiences I am facing and completing. I have great hopes for this summer and I look forward to what it has in store for me!

– Shay Yaskovitch

2 commentaires

  • Don Ellis says:

    Good review of your experience. Looking forward to reading future blogs. Wishing you all the best for the summer and beyond

  • Barb Sheridan says:

    I am so Happy for you Shay, Sounds like the experience of a LIFE time, Keep us posted.

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