Larry the Civil Engineer

28 juillet 2016 12:06 Published by 3 commentaires

Many Weyerhaeuser employees have long career history with the company. Some have even started working in the mill before I was born. It’s always interesting to hear about the history and changes the mill had from the people that have lived through it.

Larry has started working in the mill long ago when it was owned by Proctor and Gamble. Back then, he started working with a small civil engineering team, designing and managing various civil projects around the mill. Over time, the team was reduced to a single engineer as a separate engineering services division formed within the company. 38 years later, Larry holds the position as a dedicated civil engineer for the mill.





Since I’m studying the same field as him, he is my direct supervisor for my work term. I often visit his office and notice items that one might find in an antique shop. Whereas I would search for something in almighty Google, Larry would use his collection of engineering handbooks. You can see how computer has changed engineering over the last several decades. As I use AutoCAD, I wonder how much more work it must have been using drafting tables and other tools.

It’s been pleasant working with Larry. I ask him enough questions to annoy most people, but he is considerate to answer whatever he can. I really hope I can come back to the company and claim his handbook and the calculator. Until next time!

3 commentaires

  • Pushap Sood says:

    This is hilarious :)….good job Stefano…
    Larry – you look very good in

  • Wayne Roznowsky says:

    Love your blog Stefano. The illustrations are awesome.

  • Chris Wiseman says:

    Stefano – welcome to our team at the Grande Prairie Pulpmill. If the whole engineering thing doesn’t pan out – you definitely have a career in graphic arts! Just curious – the music in Larry’s office….iPod or 8 Track Tape?

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