Millar Western – It’s the People

25 septembre 2018 9:30 Published by Laisser vos pensées


Working for Millar Western, I have had the pleasure to be a member of an extraordinary community. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to Millar Western President and CEO, Craig Armstrong, about what makes Millar Western exceptional.

As the President and CEO of Millar Western, Mr. Armstrong describes his position as being responsible for the long-term wellbeing of the company, and helping it identify and adapt to coming changes; this includes ensuring that the company has the right succession plans, including bringing in younger foresters (that’s me!), and that it stays consistently true to company values. With safety playing a central focus in Millar Western’s values, Mr. Armstrong says one of his most important roles is to reinforce the notion that the safe choice is always the right choice!

Asked about his favorite things about working at Millar Western, Mr. Armstrong had this to say: “What distinguishes us from larger companies is our people. » He said that it is important that Millar Western operations continue to reflect company values. « The people and culture that we have built are driven by family values cultivated by our current management, » says Mr. Armstrong. “That has been key to our success.”

« We don’t just speak the values; we live the values. »- Craig Armstrong, 2018

Mr. Armstrong also said that Millar Western’s smaller size in comparison to some larger players in the industry provided unique opportunities. It is able to maintain a collaborative, family-oriented environment while still being sizable enough to be innovative and an active member of the forest industry.

To young professionals, Mr. Armstrong encourages the importance of setting goals and being open to new challenges. Of his own experience, he said, “I defined a vision of what I’d like to be doing in 10 years and took advantages of opportunities that would get me there”. By setting goals, talking to your supervisor, and seeking mentorship opportunities, Mr. Armstrong believes that young professionals can develop a solid understanding of the business that will allow them to build the foundation of a long-lasting and fulfilling career.                                                                                

I want to thank Craig Armstrong for taking time out of his busy schedule to speak with me, and to Jane Lockinger for making the interview possible. To be a part of a community in which a member of the summer staff has the opportunity to interview the President and CEO of the company is truly special.

Get outside and have a safe week, friends!

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