Miscellaneous Summer Adventures

4 septembre 2018 16:10 Published by Laisser vos pensées

In this blog I will be talking about some of the miscellaneous things that I have done throughout the summer that haven’t made it in any of my blogs yet.

I had a few trips to Dylan’s family cottage. They had actually just purchased the cottage in the fall of 2017, so this summer was the first summer we were able to go to there for some peaceful relaxation time. It was nice to be able to go there and be “off the grid” for a few days, nowadays there aren’t many places you can go where you aren’t surrounded by technology. While at the cottage, I spend most of my time sitting down by the water enjoying the sounds and sights nature has to offer. I was able to bring Max (my adventure pal you met in the last blog) along for the day a few weekends ago, as always, he couldn’t stay still enough for me to capture a half decent photo of him. He spent most of the time swimming in the lake, chasing frogs and running around the cottage looking for squirrels.

I visited a sunflower maze located near Windsor, NS. I wasn’t aware there was such a thing in existence in NS, but it is definitely a great idea aside from the usual corn mazes you find across the province. Sunflower mazes provide bees with lots of pollination to do – I thought it was a great idea when I heard of it. While I was there I was able to get a beautiful picture of a sunflower, a small toad and a very detailed picture of a black and yellow garden spider.

One of the most memorable things I’ve experienced this summer was a barbecue at my Aunt’s house in Truro. After the barbecue, we were all outside enjoying the evening when a few deer come out of the trees in her back yard. Now, I need to clarify that I am used to seeing deer around my house, however, my aunt lives in downtown Truro and she is surrounded by houses. After my aunt saw all our surprised faces when the deer made an appearance, she explained to us how people have been feeding the deer in Truro (something that is not allowed), which cause them to become comfortable within the town and now they have a serious deer problem. To me this was a reminder of how important it is to follow the guidelines put in place regarding wildlife.

That’s all for blog #6, thanks for reading!

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