More than Just a Job

3 juillet 2014 9:48 Published by Laisser vos pensées

I’m having such a great experience working for Millar Western this summer. I am grateful not only for this internship opportunity but as well for the other awesome things that have come with moving out here to Alberta.

I’ve spent some time camping with my friends up north on Freeman Lake.  We we’re lucky enough to get some great weather, and got to witness an exceptional sunset.  Sometime this month, we’re planning a camping trip to Jasper– I can’t wait!  I’ve also had the chance to visit Edmonton regularly, getting to see West Edmonton Mall and go on some much-needed shopping sprees.  Future weekend plans include the Big Valley Jamboree, a trip to Canmore and Banff, and a visit to Whistler in BC. 

This coming weekend, I’ll be visiting Calgary to go to the Stampede!  Equipped with boots and a straw cowboy hat, I think I’ll fit in pretty well.  I’m so excited.
Before this summer, the farthest west I’d been was Mississauga, Ontario (for those of you not familiar with Toronto, it’s just the west end of the Greater Toronto Area.)  Having the chance to work for Millar has been awesome, but everything that’s come with it has made this summer incomparable. 
Updates to come, friends! 

Also, Happy Canada day!  This country rocks.  Celebrate safely, fellow Canadians, and don’t forget- We are truly lucky to live in such a great place.

The sunset from our camping trip to Freeman Lake.

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