Myth: Mills are located in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.

23 juillet 2013 12:05 Published by Laisser vos pensées

Fact: Quite the contrary! Tolko’s mills are all located in towns. This means that you can actually live in the city or town of your operation. Five of Tolko’s mills are located 20 minutes from Vernon. Here in Vernon, we have all of the amenities you might expect and more – department stores, malls, restaurants, shopping, supermarkets, movie theatres, and much more. Tolko’s other operations are located in cities and towns such as The Pas, Quesnel, Williams Lake and Kelowna – all regional centres with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities.

In fact, all of our mills are located within 30 minutes of a usable lake.

When you work at Tolko, you are not in temporary housing or in a camp. You’re not in a remote area that is isolated from the rest of the world, far from civilization. You’re in the middle of one of our welcoming communities where you can live, work, and raise a family.




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