Short & Sweet

30 juillet 2019 9:22 Published by Laisser vos pensées

hand holding berries, hang holding butterfly

I am keeping this blog short and sweet, as the title says, because I will be on vacation. When I return however, I will give tips and tricks for the berry foraging season that will be in full peak. Especially in blueberries in old cutblocks that have just started to become edible. Pictured above are wild strawberries (left) picked on along a winter road I was inspecting crossings on. On the right, is a pair of mating butterflies found a different day in the same area. I was lucky enough to notice the attached pair as I walked to take crossing pictures and moved the attached pair from my quad’s path.

millar western logo

Other things I hope to share with you upon my return:

  • GREECE!!! And some of its natural splendors I will be visiting!
  • Silviculture!!! They’re wonderful team just completed a successful tree plant!
  • Berry foraging! Tips, tricks, and safety!
  • The Millar Western 100 year anniversary!

Cheers! Be kind to the forests and landscapes you explore!


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