The Final Experience

14 septembre 2018 14:58 Published by Laisser vos pensées

Working with Millar Western has been one of my favorite professional experiences so far. Over the course of one summer, I have gained insight into the field of forest operations, have driven down some of the most beautiful quad trails of my life so far, and have effectively turned into a fish. In this final post, I’d like to review some of my highlights of working with Millar Western.

  1. Roads

This summer, I have been lucky enough to drive down some beautiful roads. I mentioned in my first blog that I love a good morning drive with a coffee and music… This summer has only amplified that feeling.

An example of the views on a typical morning drive out to site.


  1. Becoming a Fish

Water crossing inspections have become a part of who I am over the course of the summer, to the point where I have had dreams of inspecting culverts. I never imagined I would ever become excited by the thought of inspecting a culvert with a two-meter diameter, yet here I am, and I couldn’t be happier!


Every day that I inspected culverts, I did so with a smile!


  1. Forest Finds

I found a plethora of cool things this summer! By stopping to smell the prickly roses, I saw large animal tracks and unusual types of fungi, and found a moose skull, vertebrae, and two moose antlers (one of which I took home)! You’ll be amazed at the things you might see when you take a moment to observe your surroundings.

What is possibly my favorite forest find from this summer – a moose shed!


  1. The People

As I mentioned in my last post, what makes Millar Western genuinely exceptional is the people. The company that has been built on Millar’s family values is one that encourages learning, growth, and development in all areas. No matter who I went to talk to about an issue or question, I was met with a smile and an open door. For young professionals, the atmosphere of Millar Western is incredibly conducive to personal and professional growth. The people I have met here are absolutely extraordinary – especially my supervisor for the summer, Debbie. I don’t think a single day passed when Debbie didn’t find a way to check in on me and make me laugh. Stopping in by her office on my way to the field to catch up is one of my summer highlights. So, Debbie, thank you for being an incredible supervisor. I promise that if I call you in the future, I will start my message with « Hi Debbie; it’s Laurel. I didn’t get my truck stuck but…”

Debbie and I enjoying a lunch break by the river.


All this said, I would like to thank Millar Western for the experiences I have had over the summer. This summer was one for the books, and I am eternally grateful for every rainy day I quadded through and every bear I saw.

Thank you again to the Forest Products Association of Canada for allowing me to share my small handful of experiences and insights into the forest industry. I hope that this blog has inspired some of you to consider entering the greenest workforce!


Get outside and be safe, friends!

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