Use Your Time Wisely

26 juin 2014 14:54 Published by Laisser vos pensées

Hello everyone! The month of June has passed us by very quickly. We only have one week left! Crazy to think about how fast time went by and it is officially summer. We are on our second group of planters I get to meet them today and see how well they do on their first day. I am more prepared for them this time, so I believe I will be more of a help, if they want it. I have got to admit I am a little nervous to meet the new planters, because you don’t know what they will think of you. But I am sure all will be fine.

This past weekend, some people from Millar Western and some friends went out camping at Freeman Lake for the night. It was very nice, except for the sound of an oil rig in the background; you don’t get that in Ontario. I have found that a lot of people move here to Alberta for the money, for one, did not. There’s a Bob Marley quote I like: “Money is numbers, and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end”.

Living just to make money isn’t living; it’s just plainly surviving. I don’t want to survive; I want to be able to live and love what I am doing. Being able to engage yourself without it feeling like it’s work is the most rewarding thing that can happen in your life. If you work in the forest industry, you can make a difference within the communities you choose to work in. Forestry is a SUSTAINABLE industry, with the forest renewed within a reasonable amount of time and for generations to come.

Beautiful Freeman Lake

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