Weekend at the rodeo!

23 juillet 2013 12:12 Published by Laisser vos pensées

So these past two weekends have been full of excitement. I started my first weekend by going to a rodeo that I talked about in my earlier blog. I had never been to a rodeo before, and I was looking forward all week to going to this one. It involved many different competitions, with participants from all ages.  But my two favorite competitions were the bull take-down and the bucking competition, with sheep, for ages 7-10, which I thought was adorable to watch.  Each cowboy who tried to overcome each challenge gave it their all, and their times were very close to each other, making for a fierce competition. The rodeo was a great experience, and also included different carnival rides for those not so interested in the competitions.

To end the week, I went out for a nice late-night swim down at the Rotary Park here in town.  The swim left me wide awake, so, instead of  just going home and dozing off, I went out for a pool game with some of my friends I made here in town. I was surprised the town was still so alive in the late hours.

The next weekend I had planned to just relax and go for a swim, but a friend from college back in Ontario moved down to Grand Prairie and came down to Whitecourt for the weekend to visit me. After talking and showing her around town, I really started to miss home again.  It also reminded me that this summer is already almost over, leaving me with mixed feelings, on the one hand yearning for home and, on the other, looking forward to the next work adventure.  I’m enjoying this summer so far, and can’t wait for the next thing to happen, so I can tell my readers about it.

With my last blog posts through August, I will try to add as much photos and other content to my blog as I can for you my readers

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