Goodbye Canfor Pulp Innovation

September 7, 2016 7:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s hard to believe that my second work term at Canfor Pulp Innovations is coming to an end. I would like to thank Canfor Pulp Innovation and FPAC for the opportunity to be a member of the Greenest Workforce. I am not sure how many people have read my blog during the summer, but I hope this has helped you learn about some of the interesting things that go on at Canfor Pulp Innovation. As I wrap up my final few days at work, here are the two points that I would like you to take away from my blog:

1. The Canadian Forest Products is very diverse

I may sound like a broken record, but this is something that really stuck with me during my work terms with the company. There is a need from chemists and engineers, to programmers and electricians, to accountants and salespeople at Canfor. Canfor Pulp produces some of the highest quality pulp products available in the world. The success of the company depends on its skilled technical team and the operation side who are in charge of getting our product in the hands of consumers. Canfor Pulp Innovationdoesn’t only focus on research projects, but also provide support to educate our team of salespeople and customers about the advantages of our products.

2. “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”

The above quote was from Sir Richard Branson. I was unsure about my ability to blog and to be a content creator at the Greenest Workforce during my application process. I feared more that my blog wasn’t going to look as interesting as compared to the other interns. However, if I haven’t applied, I wouldn’t be where I am right not. What I learned from this experience is to not to be afraid whenever a new challenge presents itself that is outside of your comfort zone. Now that I got a little blogging experience, I am thinking of creating my own personal blog to share with family and friends.

Thanks to Fiona McDonald at FPAC and everyone at Canfor Pulp Innovation!

Thanks to Fiona McDonald at FPAC and everyone at Canfor Pulp Innovation!

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