Exploring My Backyard Forests: Sisters Creek

June 19, 2016 3:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I work in forestry; it accounts for half of every dollar generated in British Columbia. That’s a lot but doesn’t actually surprise me considering practically half of everyone I know in Quesnel works in forestry and every time I look outside I see nothing but key word “forest”!  I work with trees at Quesnel Plywood everyday but that isn’t enough for me. The recent stormy weather has held me back a little from going on all of the hikes I have planned for this summer, but yesterday it cleared up a little bit and I took the opportunity to get into the forest and go for a bike ride in the provincial park right outside my house, Sisters Creek.

Photograph of Aerial Map

Sisters Creek Map

Sisters Creek is a small park in Kersley, BC just south of Quesnel. I love this park because it’s easy to get to, there’s lots of different trails, and has a great view of the Fraser River. This was my go to spot when I was in highschool and I needed to be by myself. I rarely run into another person there and even if there is it still feels very secluded. The trails vary with difficulty from wheelchair accessible to motorized vehicle and horse accessible. Some are groomed with gravel and some are just grass. During my bike ride a lot of the trails were really muddy but that was no problem because it’s still quiet and pretty. Overall, I would say it’s a relatively easy set of trails. There are a few steep hills that I had to walk my bike up, but nothing too difficult.

Landscape photo of green meadow

Meadow in Sisters Creek Provincial Park

Occasionally, I see some wildlife in Sisters Creek. I usually see squirrels and different types of birds there. Once I saw a bald eagle. I’ve never seen any in the park before, but there can be bears and cougars in the Kersley sometimes, so if you plan on going just be prepared. There is also a well known moose that regularly visits Kersley and could be spotted if you decide to visit the area.

Looking down hill at a river

View of Fraser River from Sisters Creek

Sisters Creek is only one of the many tree filled places I plan to visit this summer. I’m thankful that BC’s forests have created such a big industry that’s given me an opportunity to work and support myself through school. I can’t wait until the sunshine comes back and I can go out and explore more forests and share them with you!

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