Final Weeks

August 11, 2014 4:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As I return from a long weekend vacation to Vancouver and Whistler, it has hit me like a ton of bricks that I’ve only got four weeks left here at Millar Western.  Not only do I have lots of work to wrap up, but I still have lots of weekend activities planned to do before I go.  There is no doubt this is going to be a busy month!  In my next blog post, I will include all the projects that I was so lucky to work on this summer, as a reflective summary on my summer work. 
A week or two ago, Whitecourt got pelted with a major hail storm, which is a brand new experience for me.  In Toronto, you don’t get hail storms in July! 

In the coming weeks, I will be busy finishing off my projects for the summer and making sure I get all my reports done, and preparing to go back to school for my final year of my undergraduate studies.  I’m looking forward to going back with such a fulfilling experience under my belt from this summer at Millar Western.  It’s hard to begin to explain how much I’ve learned here; it has surpassed my expectations in so many ways.  While I complete my last month of this internship, I will be sure to make the best of every experience, take many chances, use my creativity, and challenge myself in new ways. 

Without further ado, here I go… four weeks of crunch time!

A couple of fun pictures from my trip to visit family and friends in Vancouver and Whislter over the long weekend

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