Intern status: BUSY!

July 21, 2014 1:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Busy, Busy, Busy!  Lately, so much has been going on in my department.  It’s been hard to find some time to sit down and reflect on the last two weeks and write about my experiences, but, alas, I have found a few minutes.

Recently, I picked up a project that was started by last year’s Green Dream intern, Patrick: a study regarding the optimization of the kilns we run on site and how to improve their efficiency.  Essentially, the trial is carried out by studying the three different kiln types that we operate at Millar and how they function, in reference to their average energy consumption and functionality.  We’ve hypothesized that kiln system number 5 runs the most efficient cycle of production, so my job this summer is to study the process through regular moisture meter measurements and energy consumption rates, as well as the variables that accompany the system throughout.  If the trial is successful, there is potential to save lots of money and energy through utilizing and implementing the most efficient system. 

Along with the kiln trial, I am in the lab regularly testing effluent COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Sediment), and running consistency regular tests on pulp samples throughout the mill for a project the engineers are working on.  Additionally, I’m working on a model calibration trial for our environmental system to more accurately measure TSS, something we need to complete in time for next year’s startup of the bioenergy project. 

Next week, I will be starting a new trial on a chemical product that Millar is interested in using to regulate the COD and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) levels and to make our effluent more bioavailable.  This is critical for our bioenergy project, because the more bioavailable the flow to the system is, the greater the potential for a more abundant production of methane to fuel the BEP power plant. 

Like I said, busy busy busy!  With the halfway point of summer already behind me, it feels like the time is just flying.  I look forward to keeping you all updated on my projects and endeavors as the summer goes on.

Some pictures of the tools I regularly use in the lab to measure COD, TSS, etc.

PS- Calgary, Banff, Lake Louise, and the BC/Alberta border have been crossed off my bucket list since my last post.  How incredible is that?  #LifesBetterHere.


My little adventure to Lake Louise.

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