My Final Post!

August 11, 2014 10:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the many, many weeks I have been here, my supervisor has taught me so much. I am very thankful for all of useful knowledge he has when it comes to the forestry and saw mill industry. So I thought I would do an interview with him to help promote the forest industry and give people who read my blog some insight on the forestry industry and saw mill industry.  There is so much to do and learn that I can only say that these blogs don’t do my experience justice, you just have to get out there and try it for yourself!

Supervisor Interview:

1. What is your education background?

I am an Electronics Technologist.

2. How did you get into forestry?

I worked for an equipment supplier for the forestry industry and after several years started to work for one of the forest companies.

3. What are your roles in this position?

I am the Quality Control Coordinator, and I look at the overall process of the mill and I try to improve any process and quality where I can.

4. What do you do on a daily basis?

On a daily basis I collect and analyze data and then I try to understand that data I have collected and how I can use it. I then take the data and try to communicate it to other people on how we can make improvements. 

5. What do you say to people who want to get into the forestry industry?

I would say it is a good industry to get into and has a bright future and we can always use smart hard working people. The forest industry has a lot of growth and it’s a reliable one.

6. What is the future of the forestry industry?

I would say the forestry industry has an ever increasing demand for lumber worldwide, where it has no increase for suppliers, as in there are not a lot of other areas in the world that can have a sustainable supply chain for the forest industry.  So the future is bright and expanding.

7. How do you like the Green Dream Internship?

I like it, it provides extra help. The interns bring an outside perspective to the work force and allow for new ideas and approaches.

8. What is the best part of the position?

The best part of my position is the variety and the different task and responsibility associated with them.

This is my supervisor:


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