Categories for Green Dream Blog

Blog 4 – Jeff White

August 17, 2017 6:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This summer has taken an unusual turn with all of the forest fires in British Columbia. 100 Mile House was evacuated for a couple of weeks, and after everyone had secured their belongings and families, West Fraser was challenged to find everyone somewhere to work to keep us going during this time. People from our office in 100 Mile House who had somewhere to stay in areas nearby that were not evacuated were able to work at the Chasm office.

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The Forestry Industry – Debunked

August 17, 2017 6:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of questions from family and friends who have seen my previous blogs, and it continues to baffle me how people will believe any rumour they hear. I had one friend who I’ve known for a long time ask me “what’s the point of talking about sustainability in your blog when the mill is constantly cutting trees down?”.

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The Goshawk Mission

August 14, 2017 4:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It was a rainy Friday morning in the office when I got a phone call that brightened my day right up! Larry, one of our operations supervisors, called me with a bit of hawk ‘emergency’.  One of his contractor’s buncher-men had gotten out of his machine to look at something in the block he was harvesting, and was dive bombed by two large birds that he described as good-sized hawks that were brown/tan in colour.

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Blog #5: Project announcement, engineering and Mount Temple!

August 14, 2017 4:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Taylor’s Capital Project

These last two weeks have been very eventful for Canfor Pulp! Canfor Pulp Ltd. announced on July 26th that it will be undertaking two capital projects – one of which will be happening at the Taylor Pulp mill. The capital project in Taylor aims to improve the efficiency of the mill by using less energy to produce the same amount of product.

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The Art of BEP

August 14, 2017 4:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Nothing screams sustainability more than re-usable energy.

We here at Millar Western are extremely fortunate for the opportunity to build and run our very own bio-energy plant (BEP). After 3 tedious years of construction, our plant now has the ability to use the gasses that we produce to create some of our own power. I sat down with our production superintendent recently to ask a couple questions about the BEP.

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The Perks of Boundary Ribboning

August 14, 2017 4:12 pm Published by 1 Comment

Being a summer student in operation with Tolko Prairie Woodlands, a huge portion of the work we do is Riparian Management Areas and Visual Sensitive Area boundary ribboning. This task is extremely important when preparing a block for the contractors to begin work. The reason that we focus a lot on these boundary lines is to ensure the harvesting practices are not interrupting the land around waterbodies to maintain erosion protection naturally and to provide habitat placement that many animals rely on being there.

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The Cariboo-Chilcoltin Wildfires

August 9, 2017 9:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It is a difficult feeling for anyone to receive the news that they are being evacuated from their home. Many feelings, thoughts, and memories cross a persons mind; will I see my house again? What do I take with me? Where will we go?

This was, and still is, the reality for many British Columbians this July with hundreds of wildfires breaking out around the province,

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The Mothership

August 3, 2017 7:59 pm Published by 3 Comments

Day 2: Tuesday July 4th, 2017

Today’s adventure takes me to Quesnel, BC also known as the ‘Mothership’ of West Fraser. Quesnel hosts the largest density of West Fraser Mills, with two pulp mills, one sawmill, one plywood plant, one MDF plant, their sales offices and their Canadian Operations office. That’s a lot of mills in one day,

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Rocky Mountain Adventures

August 3, 2017 7:51 pm Published by 2 Comments

Rocky Mountain Adventures

One huge bonus of living in Hinton is the close access we have to the Rocky Mountains. This was a huge selling feature for me when I decided to come to Hinton for the summer. I touched on some of my local explorations in a previous blog, Finding Home in Hinton, but today I want to take you a bit further,

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Down to Business

August 1, 2017 4:05 pm Published by 1 Comment

Forestry isn’t all watching wildlife and flying in helicopters. Occasionally we have to actually get some work done. So far at Weyerhaeuser I have had two primary responsibilities: writing silviculture prescriptions, and performing tree planting checks. This may sound rather humdrum, but it’s actually relatively interesting when you know how it fits into the big picture.

When an area of land is cleared of trees,

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History of Meadow Lake

August 1, 2017 3:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After Living in the town of Meadow Lake for the past three months, I’ve decided to dedicate this blog to telling everyone about the history and community of Meadow Lake. Since arriving here, I have realized that there is lots to offer recreational wise within the small forestry centered town. Coming from both an agricultural and forestry background, the landscape around Meadow Lake suits it well,

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Big Trip 1

August 1, 2017 3:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Currently, Chasm, 100 Mile House and parts of Williams Lake are all evacuated due to Forest fires. Over 39,000 people have been affected by the wildfires, and many of them are West Fraser friends and family. To all of the emergency personnel and wildland firefighters, your hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you so much for all that you have and continue to do in fighting some of the worst blazes in British Columbia’s history.

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Blog #4: Seizing opportunities and facing fears

August 1, 2017 2:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Since being offered my job with Canfor, I have tackled more things that scared me and taken advantage of more opportunities than I ever had in my life. Honestly, being offered this position was terrifying and, at the time, I couldn’t imagine leaving my friends and family. The thought of finishing my degree and graduating alone was something I never thought I would be capable of doing.

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The Big Project

July 26, 2017 6:34 pm Published by 2 Comments

The Big Project

This will probably be the cherry on the cake, as I don’t think this co-op term could get any cooler. For the next twelve days I am set on a mission to visit every one of the 24 Canadian West Fraser Divisions. That’s 24 different West Fraser Sites, 15 different towns, 12 days, 2 provinces and one very excited Co-Op student – Me.

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