Categories for Green Dream Blog

Helicopter Tree Planting

July 7, 2015 10:02 am Published by 1 Comment

Hey everybody! Well, it has been a whirlwind the past few weeks and the spring tree plant is in full swing. This past week, the tree planters focused their efforts on an area that required a helicopter to access the cutblocks. This area was harvested over two winters and now the roads are unpassable, so to speed things up, a helicopter ferried trees,

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Summer Planting

July 7, 2015 9:50 am Published by 1 Comment

Finally summer is here! I don’t know about you guys but I for one am so happy that the sun has been shining as much as it has. The pretty flowers have now started to bloom and everything is so green! The weather has been so beautiful the last couple weeks, which makes it so much enjoyable to be working outside.

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Do it for the Blog

July 3, 2015 10:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

“Do it for the blog!” comes from the edge of the icy pool carved out by a waterfall over hundreds of years. I stood at the edge of a cave trying to find the courage to jump as my friends cheered me on from the side lines. We had just completed a 4 km hike along the deserted creek trail,

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Getting Out of the City

July 3, 2015 10:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow, things have been getting way busier than before, I nearly forgot about blogging all together!

With the funding approved for both my engine replacement and steam reduction project, things have really started to take off. Ordering parts, setting up contractors, creating work and safety plans, and just trying to keep it all organized has certainly been keeping me super busy.

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A finished crossing

July 3, 2015 10:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As I explained in my first blog, my job this summer, as a Roads Summer Student will be to inspect and remediate water crossings, for example, culverts and bridges. It is critical that these be installed correctly and maintained throughout their lifespan, to protect sensitive riparian habitats.

As you can see, this crossing now looks very different from the photo included in my first blog.

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A Bird’s Eye View

July 2, 2015 4:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’d like to start off by apologizing for the delay in getting this blog written; these past couple of weeks have been surprisingly busy for me. I spent the last two days (Tuesday June 30th and Wednesday July 1st) in a helicopter, flying over dozens of roads to complete road inspections.

To get to the point of actually flying these roads,

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New Work Partners and a Taste of Forestry Planning

June 30, 2015 10:17 am Published by 1 Comment

I am now approaching two months of employment at West Fraser and the time is flying by. In the weeks since I have last written I have engaged in a few new job activities and done some that I am very used to.

I am really getting a feel for the scope of work in the operations side of forestry deals with,

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Life in Hinton, Alberta

June 30, 2015 9:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts


For me, one of the greatest uncertainties before the summer began was the fact that I would be moving to a completely different province. I had never been to western Canada except for a short trip to Vernon, B.C. Nevertheless, I was very excited to get a chance to see the Rocky Mountains and experience living in a small town.

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Summer is just flying by!

June 30, 2015 9:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hi again!

Work has been really busy lately as summer is kicking into full gear. Fawn (my student partner for the summer) and I have continue to design cut blocks to be harvested in the future. This involves laying out boundaries, roads, machine free zones, wildlife tree patches and eventually we will do the site plan data collection.

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Adventures afoot

June 26, 2015 10:58 am Published by Leave your thoughts

So in the interim between the spring plant and the summer plant which is starting at the start of July Taylor and I helped out the harvest planning and operations teams. Like I said last week, creek crossing inspections were a part of that. We also joined the area supervisors to help them with block recon and layout. I have to say it’s a good thing our cruise vests have lots of pockets to carry all of the flagging tape that’s needed,

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June 26, 2015 10:46 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s finally Happened! We got to fly into a fire! Many people would see this an odd thing to be excited about and I am in no way saying forest fires are a good thing however; it was a very exciting moment for my crew and I because we were finally able to use all our training on the real deal and see where our strengths and weaknesses are within the crew and how we can become better for next time.

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Trudging through the bush

June 26, 2015 10:17 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Well another two weeks have flown by and here I am sitting at my computer trying to recall all that I have accomplished in what seems like a mere matter of days. As I noted in my last blog, this summer internship is passing by in a blink of an eye and I can hardly believe it’s nearly July. A part of me is enjoying the fact that working and being here in Saskatchewan means the days do not drag by,

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Keeping Tabs on the Beetle

June 22, 2015 12:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After a long couple weeks of waiting for forest fires in Millar Western’s FMA near Whitecourt, Alberta we were given a much needed dose of rain which gave us the opportunity to try out new things. The task handed down to me and my crew was the setup of Millar Western’s Mountain Pine Beetle monitoring program. This program was established in order to monitor Mountain Pine Beetle populations in Millar Western’s various log yards and other areas within the FMA.

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Spring Planting Contract

June 22, 2015 12:00 pm Published by 1 Comment

Hello everyone and welcome back. First off, I would like to thank Green Dream for the sponsorship and hope that I can do my part to do everyone proud. Your investments in my fellows and I are aiding us to become better people, and to help raise us up to be able to take the mantle in the near future.

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Weyerhaeuser: Pulp, Lumber and Insect Mill

June 22, 2015 12:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

First and foremost, an immense thank you to FPAC and the Green Dream scholarship for providing me with this opportunity! And congratulations to all my fellow winners.

Now onto my newest internship adventures; originally there was truly nothing I disliked about Weyerhaeuser or my job in general for that matter… I think that has changed. THE BUGS. I’ve been given a project to replace a gigantic diesel engine that pumps all our “raw water” from the river up to the mill.

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