Life After High School

June 9, 2014 2:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hey guys, I have been having lots of fun for the past couple weeks since my last blog. I have also learned very well how to get stuck and get a tow out. While I have been working, I’ve been looking back at how far I have come since high school. Going from high school to College is one of the scariest and exciting times I have had in my life, and I believe it’s the same for most. You think at first it’s going to be like starting back in grade nine, but that is not the case. I would like to let everyone know that there is LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL; you can work until you find what interests you or hit the ground running in a college program. College is where you meet your most influential friends. That’s how it turned out for me. Also when you get to know people in the environmental field, you will learn you’re all similar in many ways. Once you find your niche, you will be relieved to be with people who share the same interests; everyone in college is generally there to get their money’s worth and gain an education. I was very lucky to have the program that I wanted right in my home town. If you go away, be sure you can control yourself, because OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) isn’t free money.  You do have to pay that back just so you know. Thinking about after college is a little more difficult, because that’s when your actual LIFE starts. You will say “omg life” a lot, because once you’re at this point, if you want the life you have dreamed of you can’t be lazy about it. Good luck everyone on their life journeys, and remember that everyone makes mistakes along the way.

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