Categories for Green Dream Blog

Blueberries, Bumblebees and Me

August 13, 2018 4:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome back to my blog! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been writing these blogs for almost three months now. Summer is coming to an end and my co-op term is also wrapping up. As much as I love living in Nova Scotia, I think it would be nice to live somewhere where its summer all year round. That way if you miss winter weather,

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Food Paradise in Quesnel, BC

August 13, 2018 11:23 am Published by 1 Comment

Just a heads up: hopefully you’re not hungry before reading this, because you’re about to get hungrier!

In case you didn’t gather from my last blog: I like to eat. I love trying new restaurants and *most* things. I’ve really been enjoying the local restaurants in Quesnel and its surrounding communities. I love how the restaurants here are family owned and not chains.

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Blog 5 – Alexander Davis

August 13, 2018 11:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As the summer’s end inches closer, the weeks of work at West Fraser seem to have become increasingly interesting and unpredictable. In the past two weeks, I have been given ample opportunity to experience different aspects of forestry including forest fire fighting, Operations, and logging.

A dry, hot weekend reaching temperatures over 30° C came to a close to be followed by the start of a stormy week where numerous lightning storms ravaged the Cariboo region.

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Blog 4 – Matthew daSilva

August 7, 2018 10:17 am Published by Leave your thoughts

For you avid readers out there, you may have noticed that I still haven’t covered the last remaining stage in production: the sawmill. I’m sorry to say that this is not the blog you are looking for. I have greatly underestimated the time it would take to give a comprehensive summary of how a sawmill works, especially since the sawmill I’m working at is the largest in North America.

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The Millar Western Experience – Thinking Like a Fish

August 3, 2018 10:45 am Published by 2 Comments

One of my roles as a Roads and Log Haul Assistant for Millar Western is to complete watercourse crossing inspections on company-owned roads. Since these roads are used heavily – by forestry and oil and gas workers, other resource users and the general public – it is important to keep crossings in the best condition possible, in order to keep all road users safe.

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