Categories for Green Dream Blog

Blog 4 – Conner Kazema

August 1, 2018 11:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello once again! It’s been a fun few weeks working at Weyerhaeuser and hanging out in and around Hudson Bay.

On the Weyerhaeuser front, I’ve been working the RBS (Radiant Barrier Sheathing) line quite frequently over the last two weeks and I do feel that my forklifting skill set is slowly but surely improving. I can stack bundles without falling way behind so that’s always a good thing!

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Road Trip!!

July 31, 2018 3:44 pm Published by 2 Comments

In my last blog I talked about the summer adventures I have experienced thus far, a topic which I have decided to extend into this blog. The weather here has been very warm and humid – don’t get me wrong, I love the heat, but a humidex of 37 °C is more than I am conditioned to. Luckily, the air conditioning in the office is working perfectly and serves as a nice resting place after being outside.

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Go Green Jobs!

July 31, 2018 9:36 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello to all my followers, and welcome back!

These last two weeks at work have flown by! I’ve been busy in the office and in the field. In the office, I’ve been filling in for one of the operational coordinators who works on the Black Spruce Forest. In his absence, I’ve been updating a monthly volume table for the Black Spruce Forest.

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Blog #4 – Kayla Brock

July 30, 2018 2:14 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello again! I cannot believe we are approaching the end of July. We only have 5 more weeks of work left. It’s crazy how fast time is going by this summer; it’s hard to imagine I’ll be nose deep in my studies in about 6 weeks time.

I promised I’d focus a bit on some Quesnel/Cariboo tourism, so I’m choosing to blog about “Billy Barker Days” this time around.

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Tolko Sawmill

July 30, 2018 1:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve been talking about the mill quite a bit now, so I figured it’s about time that I gave you a rundown on how the mill actually works. Because if you’re anything like I was before I started here, you probably have no idea what happens inside those big buildings that bring in logs and miraculously spit out lumber.

So let’s start at the beginning.

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