Categories for Green Dream Blog

Battle of the Beetles

August 22, 2016 2:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Our forests are constantly fighting for their survival. Each and every tree will be subjected to competition, pathogens, harsh environments, and pests over its lifetime. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the mountain pine beetle and the immediate effects that the epidemic in BC had on our forests, but did you know that every species of tree has its own unique insect/pest,

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10 Reasons you won’t be bored in Prince George!

August 8, 2016 6:00 pm Published by 1 Comment

At the heart of British Columbia lies the perfect blend of urban and wild. Intertwined between the Nechako and Fraser Rivers and surrounded by thick emerald forest, Prince George is a bustling hub for adventure, entertainment, cuisine and industry. Yet, one needs to dive into the community and culture of the city to truly experience all the gems PG has to offer.

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Drying Plywood at West Fraser

August 8, 2016 4:26 pm Published by 1 Comment

As it might seem like it from my past blogs, but my summer isn’t entirely full of outdoor adventures; I do have to spend some time working. I’ve worked at West Fraser’s Quesnel Plywood a few different times over the past four years in between going to school and taking some time off to travel. They’ve been generous enough to keep hiring me back and at the moment I’m working as a summer student so that I go to British Columbia Institute of Technology and pursue a career in media.

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Barbeque Lunch/Quick Update

August 8, 2016 4:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow I can’t believe that it is August already. Summer is upon us and the weather has been hitting close to 30°C in Metro Vancouver these past two weeks. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the heat but it makes for perfect barbeque weather. This past Thursday, everyone chipped in for a small feast, which consisted of barbequed chicken tandoori,

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Roserim Forest Nursery

August 8, 2016 3:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The past month, my role at West Fraser has included mostly silviculture work under an incredible forester named Sue. Silviculture is a type of forestry that relates to managing the landscape post-harvest in order to produce a healthy and merchantable forest stand for the future. I’ll be writing to you guys soon about what exactly the art of silviculture work entails and all the experiences I’ve had with that soon,

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