Categories for Green Dream Blog

Summer Tree Plant

August 24, 2015 10:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I can hardly believe it! August is just around the corner! With the closing of the month also comes the end of the tree planting season. Beginning in mid-May, the tree planters are close to finishing off the last of over 5 million seedlings planted on the forest management area this year and I have been busier than ever trying to keep up with their wild pace.

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Plants & Soil Data

August 24, 2015 9:56 am Published by Leave your thoughts

These past two weeks, we have begun to collect SP (site plan) data. This involves doing several plots in an area to get an idea of the plants and soil types present in the area. This data is then used to classify the area in a certain BEC zone and site series. This information is then used to minimize disturbance during logging and for the proper trees to be replanted.

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Bush Tour

August 21, 2015 9:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If there’s one thing in this world that I love, it is the smell of freshly cut trees. Last week I got the opportunity to go on a bush tour and tag along with a harvesting supervisor for the Quesnel division. Our day started a little earlier than normal but it wasn’t anything coffee couldn’t help. We hopped in the truck and headed west out past Wells,

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Making Friends

August 19, 2015 12:00 pm Published by 1 Comment

Well my friends, summer is starting to wind down for me here at Slave Lake Plywood. I have one week of work left and then it’s back to Thunder Bay for school (actually for the first two weeks of September I’ll be in South Africa for school) but after that it’s TBay all the way. Needless to say, I am excited to get back home and see everyone again,

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1 Month in Camp

August 17, 2015 2:50 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I can’t believe I have been in camp for 5 weeks (coming up on the 6th), time is really flying by as I only have 3 weeks left in my summer work term. Life in camp is not bad, I would say the only downside is that there is no escape from the work, however, it is great work experience and a great opportunity for me to gain knowledge in road deactivation.

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