Categories for Green Dream Blog

Cache Creek Berries

August 17, 2015 2:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I can’t believe it’s already August! A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Fawn and I have begun to put the finishing touches on some blocks. Now that the boundaries and roads have been laid out, our tasks have been to complete riparian assessments (meaning all water related features, such as wetlands and streams). Depending on the classification of the wetland and creek it needs a certain buffer zone.

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Jeremy in the Great Outdoors

August 17, 2015 1:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

My fellow bloggers on The Greenest Workforce suggest that #lifesbetterhere because of the great outdoor opportunities available on the doorstep of forestry communities. I’ve reiterated that I’m not a huge fan of outdoor activities, but inspired by other Green Dream Interns, I decided to go for a walk on one of Vernon’s most spectacular trails.

My time on the Grey Canal Trail was well rewarded – high above the valley on a stunningly clear Okanagan day,

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Learning and Breaking Biases

August 10, 2015 11:37 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello friends,

Before I came up here to Grande Prairie I had a lot of preconceived ideas about the forest products industry. People I talked to had said that the industry was in decline, the methods used were outdated, and there was little innovation occurring. What an eye opening experience it has been to find that the industry is anything but declining.

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Blue Listed Plant Search

August 6, 2015 4:05 pm Published by 1 Comment

The last two weeks have been quite eventful in/around 100 mile house yet again! These days we are dealing with very hot/dry conditions and high fire hazards. As a layout crew we are deemed low risk but we still have to be careful out there. I’ve been sure to pack lots of water as the hot days can make you dehydrated very quickly.

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Equipment Field Testing

August 6, 2015 11:33 am Published by Leave your thoughts

So I decided to write this post about my experience with field gear and equipment in the field for those who may be looking to get a new set of boots or tent or whatever. Or for those who are just entering the work force and looking to get some equipment for your new forestry or environmental-esque job. Again, this is from my own experience and may not be the same as others,

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