Categories for Green Dream Blog

Helicopter Tree Planting

July 7, 2015 10:02 am Published by 1 Comment

Hey everybody! Well, it has been a whirlwind the past few weeks and the spring tree plant is in full swing. This past week, the tree planters focused their efforts on an area that required a helicopter to access the cutblocks. This area was harvested over two winters and now the roads are unpassable, so to speed things up, a helicopter ferried trees,

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Summer Planting

July 7, 2015 9:50 am Published by 1 Comment

Finally summer is here! I don’t know about you guys but I for one am so happy that the sun has been shining as much as it has. The pretty flowers have now started to bloom and everything is so green! The weather has been so beautiful the last couple weeks, which makes it so much enjoyable to be working outside.

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Do it for the Blog

July 3, 2015 10:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

“Do it for the blog!” comes from the edge of the icy pool carved out by a waterfall over hundreds of years. I stood at the edge of a cave trying to find the courage to jump as my friends cheered me on from the side lines. We had just completed a 4 km hike along the deserted creek trail,

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Getting Out of the City

July 3, 2015 10:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow, things have been getting way busier than before, I nearly forgot about blogging all together!

With the funding approved for both my engine replacement and steam reduction project, things have really started to take off. Ordering parts, setting up contractors, creating work and safety plans, and just trying to keep it all organized has certainly been keeping me super busy.

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A finished crossing

July 3, 2015 10:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As I explained in my first blog, my job this summer, as a Roads Summer Student will be to inspect and remediate water crossings, for example, culverts and bridges. It is critical that these be installed correctly and maintained throughout their lifespan, to protect sensitive riparian habitats.

As you can see, this crossing now looks very different from the photo included in my first blog.

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