Categories for Green Dream Blog

From Fire To Foam

July 25, 2014 9:46 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello folks!

Earlier in the week, in my blog titled “A Fiery Situation”, I mentioned how the local Fire Station and City Hall were on fire. Well, the good news is that the buildings survived, but there is approximately $1.5million in damages to the fire trucks and structure. It was also fairly unique to see that this small town had made national news for the incident.

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Friendly Community

July 25, 2014 9:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello fellow readers, I have really been enjoying my work here at DMI in Peace River Alberta. My mentor has taught me a great deal about the pulping industry, but there has also been an unanticipated benefit of moving 8 hours north of my hometown: Calgary.   Through exploring the town of Peace River, these past 12 weeks, I have discovered that it is truly a great place to live. 

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Dream Big: A Rewarding Career (with perks!)

July 25, 2014 9:36 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Many of us dream big of a rewarding career, but this summer, I’m dreaming bigger with a career with perks.

As a human resources intern, I get to work at Tolko’s state-of-the-art corporate headquarters completed in 2008, surrounded by opportunities to grow my career. But I’m also surrounded with amenities like a fully-equipped exercise gym for employees with locker room facilities.

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The Connections We Make

July 24, 2014 10:38 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This is just going to be a mini blog post, but I felt the need to bring something up that I figured not many of the other Green Dream interns would be able to write about.  I’m currently studying forest management at the University of Alberta, and have been gaining experience in the industry over the summers.  Doing this, I have met all kinds of people who have come from unexpected backgrounds. 

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Out and About

July 21, 2014 4:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

These past three weeks I have been mainly out and about with the tree planters because production rates are insane! Between the two camps the planters can put in about 230,000 trees in one day. So for the most part I’ve been working along side them to ensure quality is maintained. I’ve also done a couple camp inspections, which is always interesting to see how each different camp is set up.

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