Categories for Green Dream Blog

Summer Adventures

July 17, 2018 9:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello everyone! I wanted to take this blog to tell you a little bit about the adventures, the camping, and the road trips I’ve taken so far this summer.

In mid-June Brendan and I went on a spontaneous weekend camping trip with my sister and her husband. We drove out to Merritt (about an hour away from us) to a beautiful provincial park called Kentucky Alleyne Lake!

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Blog #3 – Kayla Brock

July 17, 2018 9:24 am Published by 2 Comments

Hello all, and welcome to the third round of blog entries! For those of you who didn’t see, us Quesnel bloggers (Matthew, Alex and I) got interviewed for the local newspaper. If you didn’t see it afloat throughout Facebook (or you aren’t my grandparents who thought they needed eight billion copies), here is the link:

At the end of June,

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Sightseeing in the Cariboo Area

July 17, 2018 9:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last blog, I said this blog would cover the final stage of the manufacturing process. However, to give myself and my readers a break I decided to write about some of the recreational opportunities the Cariboo has to offer.

Quesnel, British Columbia was once the trade capital of the Cariboo Gold Rush. As gold became less and less abundant,

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Getting the Broader Scope

July 16, 2018 4:00 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello world, welcome back to my blog!

This week’s post is all about an exciting experience that I had when working in the field last week. It was something that wasn’t planned, and it required immediate attention. I’ll recapture my day for you.

It began in the early morning. I arrived at work, packed my truck with my gear,

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What a Day at Work Consists of for a Forestry Planning Summer Student

July 16, 2018 3:23 pm Published by 2 Comments

For those readers that may not be particularly literate in forestry practices and jargon, I thought I’d take a moment to fully explain what it is I do on a daily basis.

The main task myself and my current bush partner Doug have been assigned with is site plan (SP) data collection. At this point in time, the blocks we are working in have been layed out and a cutting permit has typically already been obtained.

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