Categories for Green Dream Blog

The Highlight of my Summer

July 27, 2018 2:09 pm Published by 1 Comment

As I had stated in my previous post, I was hoping to put together a “day in the life” work video; however, due to the demise of my GoPro during the day I was attempting to film this video, I will be resorting back to a weekend that has been the highlight of my summer thus far.

From the moment my father heard I would be spending my summer up in Quesnel,

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The Millar Western Experience – Chapter 2

July 18, 2018 11:14 am Published by 1 Comment

“Canada D’Eh in the Rockies”

One of my favorite things about working in the forest sector is living in a forest town. And, one of my favorite things about the active, scenic forest town of Whitecourt is its location: close to all that’s best of both the city and the country. Whitecourt, in west-central Alberta, is approximately two hours’ drive from Edmonton and three hours from Jasper National Park;

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My Top 5 Things to do in Hudson Bay in the Summer

July 18, 2018 11:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

To preface, this list is totally subjective to my own interests and experiences in Hudson Bay so this is definitely not speaking for everybody or even for everything that can be done here. There are plenty of other things people enjoy here, (that I don’t) like hunting, quading, biking etc. For me, I enjoy nature oriented activities, so that’s mostly what going to take precedence in this list.

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NS Adventures

July 18, 2018 10:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome back everyone! In my last blog I talked about the operations processes where I work (LP-East River) so if you missed it and are interested, go back and have a look. In this blog I will be talking about some of the Nova Scotia adventures I’ve experienced so far this summer – maybe it’ll inspire some of you readers to come visit our beautiful province.

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The Millar Western Experience – Chapter 1

July 17, 2018 9:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The North Goose Bear Problem

One of the fundamental rules of fieldwork is that nothing is going to play out exactly the way you planned. Let me explain. Earlier this week, I made a plan for what I wanted to accomplish at work that day. I would be driving north for what should have been a fairly relaxed day of inspecting roads.

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