Categories for Green Dream Blog

My final sign off

October 3, 2017 2:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Another summer has come and gone, and I am so pleased with how it went! For my last blog, there are three different points I wanted to touch on. They are all very different topics so I’ll dive right in.

During my last week I got to go up and observe the crane working. Oh man, this was the coolest thing!

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Top 10 Lakes in the 100 Mile House Area

October 3, 2017 2:28 pm Published by 4 Comments

Green Lake

This picturesque lake lives up to its name with beautiful blue-green water. It is located just east of 70 Mile House and features several public parks. It is a favorite for cabin goers and campers throughout the summer season. Lots of opportunity for boating, in particular water sports. Green Lake is not highly regarded as a fishing lake but The aspen forests and open meadows provide some of the most delightful walking trails around.

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Green Dream Blog 6 – Energy Saving Projects at Canfor

October 3, 2017 2:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the aspects of my job as an Energy Management Co-op at Canfor involves creating employee awareness content about energy savings tips, as well as to highlight some of the completed and ongoing projects happening around the mill. Because of this, I have had the opportunity to learn about many different projects at Northwood, and wanted to share some information about some of the types of projects that have been completed,

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Blog #7: Summer 2017 comes to a close

October 3, 2017 2:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow. How is it already September? Not only does that date mean that it’s time for the weather to get cold again, it also means that I only have four more months in BC until I head back to New Brunswick for a semester of school. Another thing September means is the end of the Green Dream blog for the summer.

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Regeneration surveys

October 3, 2017 2:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

During the last week in August, I had the opportunity to try something new. I had the chance to survey a cutblock from 2011 to see how the establishment of species were coming. Although this task is not preformed a lot in my job. Sometimes it is necessary to survey old cutblocks to make sure the block is reproducing acceptable amounts of merchantable species such as Trembling Aspen,

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