Categories for Green Dream Blog

The Perks of Boundary Ribboning

August 14, 2017 4:12 pm Published by 1 Comment

Being a summer student in operation with Tolko Prairie Woodlands, a huge portion of the work we do is Riparian Management Areas and Visual Sensitive Area boundary ribboning. This task is extremely important when preparing a block for the contractors to begin work. The reason that we focus a lot on these boundary lines is to ensure the harvesting practices are not interrupting the land around waterbodies to maintain erosion protection naturally and to provide habitat placement that many animals rely on being there.

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The Cariboo-Chilcoltin Wildfires

August 9, 2017 9:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It is a difficult feeling for anyone to receive the news that they are being evacuated from their home. Many feelings, thoughts, and memories cross a persons mind; will I see my house again? What do I take with me? Where will we go?

This was, and still is, the reality for many British Columbians this July with hundreds of wildfires breaking out around the province,

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The Mothership

August 3, 2017 7:59 pm Published by 3 Comments

Day 2: Tuesday July 4th, 2017

Today’s adventure takes me to Quesnel, BC also known as the ‘Mothership’ of West Fraser. Quesnel hosts the largest density of West Fraser Mills, with two pulp mills, one sawmill, one plywood plant, one MDF plant, their sales offices and their Canadian Operations office. That’s a lot of mills in one day,

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Rocky Mountain Adventures

August 3, 2017 7:51 pm Published by 2 Comments

Rocky Mountain Adventures

One huge bonus of living in Hinton is the close access we have to the Rocky Mountains. This was a huge selling feature for me when I decided to come to Hinton for the summer. I touched on some of my local explorations in a previous blog, Finding Home in Hinton, but today I want to take you a bit further,

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Down to Business

August 1, 2017 4:05 pm Published by 1 Comment

Forestry isn’t all watching wildlife and flying in helicopters. Occasionally we have to actually get some work done. So far at Weyerhaeuser I have had two primary responsibilities: writing silviculture prescriptions, and performing tree planting checks. This may sound rather humdrum, but it’s actually relatively interesting when you know how it fits into the big picture.

When an area of land is cleared of trees,

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