Categories for Green Dream Blog

More than Just a Mill

June 7, 2016 3:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I would like to start my series of blogs by introducing myself and the wonderful company I will be working for, and a sneak peek at the future blog subjects. My name is Bailey and I am a University of Alberta forestry student who grew up as a farm girl north of Peace River, Alberta. This will be my second summer as a forestry summer student working at Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd.,

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Going Back To My Hometown

June 7, 2016 3:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When I tell people I’m from Quesnel the response is usually “Where’s that again?” This is what I hear when I’m in Vancouver anyway. My usual reply is “Up North.” If I’m travelling abroad, people don’t always know British Columbia at all, which is understandable, so I say “You know Vancouver? It’s like near there, but not really anywhere near there.”

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Cet été, j’ai eu un seul matin de vacances.

June 7, 2016 3:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Cet été, j’ai eu un seul matin de vacances.

Ceci est mon premier blog à vie et jamais l’idée d’en écrire un m’était venu à l’esprit, mais une fois l’idée proposée, j’appréhendais déjà ce nouveau défi pour l’été.

Le tout début.

Je me nomme François Messely, étudiant en relations industrielles à l’Université Laval.

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Green Dream Internship

June 7, 2016 3:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello there! As this is my first blog post I thought I would start by giving you a little bio of myself and how I got into forestry. My name is Faron Dyck and I grew up running around the bush in a small town in northern Alberta by the name of La Crete. I was exposed to forestry starting at quite a young age as forestry is the second biggest industry in town next to farming,

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Hello everyone!

June 7, 2016 3:08 pm Published by 2 Comments

What an exciting opportunity it is to be writing to you all this summer. This is my first time blogging for FPAC and working for West Fraser so I’ll to begin by introducing myself. My name is Sydney and I am a third year student in the bachelor of Natural Resource Science program at Thompson Rivers University. I was born and raised in the beautiful community of Williams Lake and was thrilled to accept a summer work term here in my hometown with West Fraser’s Williams Lake Plywood division as a planning forestry student.

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