Categories for Green Dream Blog

Forest of Learning

September 11, 2015 9:23 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In the last couple of weeks here at West Fraser I have gotten the chance to try out some new tasks that have given me some insight into other aspects of forestry. Recently, I was fortunate to join new hire Chris and wily veteran Morris, members of the planning forester team in Hinton to learn about block layout. As a part of the spatial harvest sequence,

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Adventures of the Summer

September 10, 2015 11:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This will be the last of my blogs, so thank you once again to the sponsors and you the readers! I hope that things were up to snuff and entertaining enough for everyone. It’s been a slice and has allowed me to reflect on the shenanigans and adventures of the summer.

So the 21st was my last day of work and my life hasn’t slowed a bit;

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Great Forestry Experience !

September 10, 2015 11:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As I write this blog I am sitting in my trailer on my last night in camp, it’s been a pretty interesting 7 weeks and time has really flown by. It’s hard to think close to the last two months of my summer work term have been spent in a remote location at the end of the east arm of Quesnel Lake.

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Wonderful Summer Break

September 10, 2015 11:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

August? Didn’t I just write exams? Didn’t I just get here? I honestly do not know where the time went or why summer always has to fly by. Before I even begin to reflect upon my past few weeks here in Hudson Bay, I want to truly emphasize how much I enjoyed this summer break in Saskatchewan (of all places) with Weyerhaeuser.

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