Categories for Green Dream Blog

What Silviculture Really Means

September 2, 2014 2:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After 2 months and over 8 million trees, the tree plant has finally wrapped and the 60 planters that reforested the Martel and Romeo Mallette are finally able to return to the comforts of home….and here my co-workers and I remain in Northern Ontario to continue tending the forests managed by Tembec. The tree plant was an amazing opportunity to get a first hand account of one of the most important parts of forest stewardship- silviculture.

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Fire in the Boreal and Management

September 2, 2014 2:02 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The tree plant was not only an incredible opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of people through the tree planters, but also a way to discover, first hand, the many different ecosystems that the Boreal Forest holds within it.

Working in this forest is very different from the temperate rainforests I have studied on Vancouver Island.

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Wrapping up a Great Summer!

August 26, 2014 1:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

For the final few weeks of my internship with Weyerhaeuser Princeton, I have been working on my own project surveying the survival of some of the trees that were planted this past planting season.  Specifically one of the variants of Lodgepole pine that was planted has been experiencing high rates of mortality, so I have been surveying the blocks that contain these pine to determine the scope of the loss,

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A Very Unique Task

August 22, 2014 11:12 am Published by Leave your thoughts

These past two weeks I’ve been assisting with Weyerhaeuser’s aerial herbicide project. It was very unique task; I had the opportunity to stay in a camp, which was an awesome experience. The camp lifestyle took a bit of adjusting; my primary job during the spray was weather monitoring. This entailed getting up at 4:30 a.m. every morning and driving out to the cut block.

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Get Your White Picket Fence

August 22, 2014 10:54 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you dreamed big when it comes to home ownership? Have you ever dreamed of buying some land and building a house?

I certainly do. If you’re like me, you might dream of buying a swanky condo. Maybe sometime in the more distant future, I’d like to settle down and build a house with an attached garage, wraparound veranda and a white picket fence.

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