Categories for Green Dream Blog

Al-Pac Adventure: Auf Woodersehen as the trees say

August 26, 2019 3:46 pm Published by 1 Comment

Hello dear readers,

Alas, this shall be my last blog for the summer as my time with Al-Pac has come to an end. It has been a great summer and I am very thankful for all the great experiences I have had in the past couple months. It has been wonderful to get to know my team as well as the other summer students and learn about the forest industry hands on.

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Blog 5 – Joshua Kranabetter

August 26, 2019 1:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Ah yes. The summer project. A subject for focal practice. A diligence builder. A black hole for all the extra time and energy that the summer is so conducive to. Let me introduce you to the “Drummer Boy”, an electronics/programming amalgamation of rhythm, and my DIY project for the summer. It’s an 8-bit, 8 voice polyphonic, polyrhythmic, sample-based drum machine inspired by the iconic Roland 808 drum machine used in the production of tracks like “Paul Revere” by Beastie Boys and “Love Lockdown” by Kanye West.

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Live to Work, Work to Live

August 26, 2019 1:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I had meant to do so much more with this blog. I was thinking of posting a blog on the green end, a blog on the finishing end, a blog on the entire forming line, a blog on safety culture, one on the community, another on the general process creating OSB, some about the hiking trails in Edson, some interviews with some great friends of mine in the mill,

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Blog 5 Calvin Jensen

August 14, 2019 12:02 pm Published by 1 Comment

Long time no see readers,

Things have been bustling since the last time I wrote a blog. It is hard to believe that my time at Al-Pac is beginning to wrap up and summer is coming to an end. What little summer we had here in Alberta with the constant rain.

First things first,

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