Categories for Green Dream Blog

My First Month in Prince George – A Real Jaw-Breaking Experience!

June 16, 2017 1:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

First off, I would like to thank Canfor Pulp and The Greenest Workforce for the opportunity to share my experience working in Canada’s forest products industry. I am very excited to be working at Canfor’s Northwood Pulp Mill in beautiful Prince George, BC, where I will be working with the Energy Management Team for the next 7 months. The goal of my blog is to show others how interesting it is to work in the forest products industry,

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Blog #1: The Big Move

June 16, 2017 1:40 pm Published by 4 Comments

Hello there, reader! I feel like it’s important to let you know who you’re listening to: my name is Melanie Flack. I grew up in Nova Scotia and am going to school at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. I’m in my third year of Chemical Engineering and I am currently living in Fort St. John, BC, working for Canfor Pulp Ltd.

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To the land of the living skies

June 16, 2017 1:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I will begin my blog by telling you about myself and how excited I am to experience forestry work in Saskatchewan. My name is Brad Constantine, I grew up in a small town just outside of Moncton, New Brunswick. Forestry has always been in my life and I’m glad I chose a career in this realm. I’m currently going into second year at the University of New Brunswick pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Forestry.

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Welcome to Hinton, Alberta

June 16, 2017 1:35 pm Published by 1 Comment

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is a progressive company that enriches the Forest Sector with new ways to continually engage Canada’s New and Young workers. The Green Dream Scholarship is a great way to engage students like myself, as well as provide a unique perspective into the realm of Forestry from all points of view. This being said,

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Hello everyone!

June 14, 2017 3:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello everyone!

I would like to start this post by thanking FPAC for the opportunity to share my experiences this summer through this amazing internship. I would also like to thank West Fraser and everyone else who has taken the time to introduce me into this wonderful field. I’d like to introduce myself for my first blog post and give some insight into what I’ll be doing this summer.

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Back again in Canada’s Greenest Workforce

June 12, 2017 2:33 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello Everyone!

I am incredibly excited to be writing to you all in my second year as a Green Dream Blogger! I hope there will be some familiar faces reading these posts, but even more so I hope my writing is able to reach many new people. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Sydney and this fall I will be heading into my fourth and final year in the Natural Resource Science degree program at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops,

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Everything You Didn’t Already Know About My Summer; Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

September 19, 2016 3:28 pm Published by 2 Comments

On the afternoon of Friday, August 26th, I found myself saying my final goodbyes to everyone in the office at West Fraser Plywood, Williams Lake. I’ve had some time to reflect on the busy day of handing in gear, cleaning up my truck, and enjoying a pizza and cake lunch with the office, and I decided that you guys don’t know some things about my work term.

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The Art of Silviculture

September 19, 2016 3:18 pm Published by 1 Comment

My main role at West Fraser has included mostly silviculture work. This field in forestry relates to how the landscape is managed post-harvest, and from what I’ve experienced and witnessed working under Silviculture Forester, Sue, it is truly an art. As a silviculture forester, you have to be so in tune with the forest and passionate about the ecology of the landscape.

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My last blog post

September 7, 2016 7:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Well, my summer in Vancouver and at Canfor is coming to an end and I can’t say I am happy about it. I can easily report this has been one of the best summers I have ever had. Getting to experience Vancouver and all it has to offer has been amazing. I feel very at home in this city and am not looking forward to leaving.

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Food Truck Fridays and Canfor BBQs

September 7, 2016 7:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Everyone looks forward to Fridays, but at the head office in Vancouver at Canfor, the day is extra special. This is because we have Food Truck Fridays! Every week a different food truck comes and provides us with a variety of healthy options for lunch. I especially look forward to it because it’s the one day a week I don’t have to make a lunch for myself.

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My summer at Northwood

September 7, 2016 7:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Summer may be coming to an end but my time here at Northwood is not. Admittedly, I do feel a bit forlorn as I watch all my friends get ready to go back to school in the fall. But then I think of the dreary three hour lectures, bajillion assignments and late night cram sessions before midterms. Suddenly working a four day work week,

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Goodbye Canfor Pulp Innovation

September 7, 2016 7:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s hard to believe that my second work term at Canfor Pulp Innovations is coming to an end. I would like to thank Canfor Pulp Innovation and FPAC for the opportunity to be a member of the Greenest Workforce. I am not sure how many people have read my blog during the summer, but I hope this has helped you learn about some of the interesting things that go on at Canfor Pulp Innovation.

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Wrapping It Up

September 7, 2016 7:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I only had one last week at DMI before field school and writing this blog. In that last week I got to participate in reinforcing a road with geotextile, go for an operations tour, receive additional watercourse crossing and road inspection training, an insightful conversation with our land management superintendent about the opportunity forestry brings, and had a chance to explore with the 3D mapping station solo.

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Final Blog and Thank You!

September 7, 2016 7:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Well, my summer is almost over and soon I’ll be back to school. I’m glad I was able to get out of the city for the summer and work in Quesnel and have a few adventures. I biked my favourite trails, I planted some trees, saw baby birds hatch, and I spent time with my family and friends. My favourite part of the summer was exploring British Columbia.

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Camping In The Chilcotin

September 7, 2016 6:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

On one of my last weekends of the summer I went camping. I originally wanted to go to Bella Coola because I’ve never been before. However, my boyfriend, Karl, didn’t want to go that far away. I still wanted to go west to the Coast Mountains so we went half way there and camped at Horn Lake. Horn Lake is just south of Tatla Lake,

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De l’incertitude à la certitude

September 7, 2016 6:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

C’est le septième billet de blogue que j’écris et le dernier. Je tiens alors à remercier la FPAC et tous ceux qui m’ont supporté cet été.

Cet été a passé remarquablement rapidement. J’ai encore l’impression qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps, il y avait encore au moins un mois devant moi. Aujourd’hui, il ne reste qu’une semaine avant le début des cours.

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Operational Forestry – Harvesting

September 7, 2016 6:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This summer I’ve been talking to you guys a lot about forestry practices mostly relating to the development and reforestation of cut blocks, which leaves out one BIG part of the industry. Today we’re going right to the root of forestry: harvesting. Harvesting is basically the removal of the timber off the landscape and into the mill, and it’s a really complicated process in some aspects.

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The End of a Chapter

September 7, 2016 6:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In what has felt far too short a time, my summer with Millar Western has come to an end. The last couple weeks did not have much new to report. I was kept quite busy right until the end completing what crossing inspections I could for the year, and leaving the rest for next year.

I did manage to squeeze a few new experiences in this summer:

  • I saw my first grizzly bear,

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NAIT Forest Technology

September 7, 2016 6:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

With the summer coming to a close and the impending school year looming over us, I thought I would take the opportunity to talk a little about the Forest Technology program at NAIT. Our program is all about practical application. This is evident right from the get-go when our first five weeks of class are done from cabins in the middle of the Albertan wilderness called Kidney Lake.

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Woodland Sonnet

September 7, 2016 6:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve decided to do something a little bit different this week, and write a Shakespearian Sonnet about woodland animals. I made every stanza about a different animal. All but one of these animals I have seen while working in the woods here this summer. The only one I haven’t seen here while in the woods, I have seen plenty of activity from and have seen in person in other places in Canada ( I did see one from the helicopter this summer).

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The Interview Process

August 22, 2016 3:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As I proceed forward into a career in Human Resources, I think conducting interviews will likely be an area of work I will enjoy. It has certainly been one of my favourite experiences so far at Canfor.

When I was asked to help review resumes for a certain position, I was excited to be able to look at resumes and develop a short list.

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Canfor’s Energy Management Program

August 22, 2016 3:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

For the past three months I have been working as an Energy Management Co-op at Canfor’s Northwood Pulp mill in Prince George. What is Energy Management you may ask? Initially, I will be honest, I wasn’t too sure either. Canfor’s Energy Management program is focused on developing strategic plans for energy and cost reduction at their various wood products manufacturing facilities.

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Let it Burn

August 22, 2016 3:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In addition to weekly effluent testing, Canfor Pulp Innovations also handle customer inquiries and complaints about its pulp products. One of our customers has been finding sand particles in their finished paper when using Canfor pulp. We suspect that this is due to the screen is not properly removing the sand and other undesirable materials at the beginning of the papermaking process.

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The Haul

August 22, 2016 3:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As some may know, DMI harvests aspen for wood chips to make kraft pulp. This process in the summer starts the operations around July 15th with feller bunches cutting the cutblocks, skidders moving the trees and debris accordingly. In the summer however we have what we call “In-block chippers”, these chippers are contract hired to chip onsite and have chip trucks loaded from there.

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A Drive Along The Cariboo Mountains

August 22, 2016 3:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve been signing up for overtime a lot the last month. I usually work it but I signed up this weekend and they didn’t have anything for me. So instead, I thought I would take the opportunity to go for a hike this morning at one of my favourite spots, Narcosli Creek. I told my mom last night that I was going to go,

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