Categories for Green Dream Blog

Hello Everybody!

June 10, 2019 6:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

WOW, so I’ve been fortunate enough to have been accepted as a 2019 Green Dream Intern! I am honestly so excited to share with you what my everyday work day looks like, the community I live in and what the community has to offer.

A little bit about me (I’ll keep it short, we want to hear about the cool stuff,

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The Very First Blog

June 10, 2019 3:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome to my first ever blog, Green Dream or otherwise!  I am very excited to have this opportunity to share my summer experiences in the forestry industry.  For this first blog I am going to give you a bit of background on myself, share some of my experiences so far, and give a bit of a preview of the blogs to come.

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Welcome Back to Field Season

June 10, 2019 3:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A forestry student’s favourite time of year is back! Summer student field season starts soon after finals the first week of May when we all spread out to forestry towns across the province and country to work for sawmills and contractors. I am very happy to be back in Alberta working for well-known forestry company; Millar Western Forest Products Ltd.

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Welcome to this Green Dream blog

June 10, 2019 3:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Salutations! Welcome to this Green Dream blog.

Since this is the first blog, I shall introduce myself briefly. My name is Dan Tran, and am the Engineering Intern hired at Weyerhaeuser’s Edson OSB mill. I am still working on my electrical engineering degree and have just completed my second year at the University of Calgary. I am Calgarian-born and have taken all three levels of schooling there.

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Salutations internet!

June 10, 2019 3:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Salutations internet!

I’m Joshua Kranabetter and I will be your personal guide through a summer adventure as a control systems student.

On a typical evening you can find me in my workshop either dissecting old electronics or building my own. Either affair will inevitably be accompanied by hot coffee and 80s techno. I am project oriented and driven by a need to understand how things work.

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Al-Pac Adventure – Kickoff

June 10, 2019 2:45 pm Published by 1 Comment

Hello readers,

My name is Calvin Jensen. I am an Environmental Sciences Summer Student at Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. (Al-Pac). The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) has provided me with the opportunity to share a bi weekly blog about my experiences in the forest industry. I’m very excited to share the work I’ll be doing with you each week.

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November 5, 2018 3:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello, hello!

For anyone new to my blog series, my name is Courtney Jackson, and I am a fourth-year student at Lakehead University (LU) in Thunder Bay, enrolled in the Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry! This past summer I was employed at Resolute Forest Products as their Woodlands Operations Intern in Thunder Bay, and it was one of the best experiences in my life!

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October 9, 2018 1:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello world, welcome back to my blog!

School has begun and I’ve been busy reading, writing and completing assignments for my classes at Lakehead University (LU). This year is a bit different than last year as I decided to switch my degree midway through the summer. Instead of pursuing environmental management at LU, I switched into forestry! My summer employment at Resolute Forest Products as their Woodlands Operations Intern was what inspired me to switch.

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Millar Western – It’s the People

September 25, 2018 9:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts


Working for Millar Western, I have had the pleasure to be a member of an extraordinary community. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to Millar Western President and CEO, Craig Armstrong, about what makes Millar Western exceptional.

As the President and CEO of Millar Western,

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The Final Blog

September 14, 2018 3:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Considering it’s the last week of September already, I guess I can officially say that summer is over 🙁 Luckily for me though, that doesn’t mean the end of my work term! My position with Tolko actually runs for 8 months, which means I will still be working here until December. As all of the other summer bloggers are undoubtedly heading back to school to finish their studies,

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The Final Experience

September 14, 2018 2:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Working with Millar Western has been one of my favorite professional experiences so far. Over the course of one summer, I have gained insight into the field of forest operations, have driven down some of the most beautiful quad trails of my life so far, and have effectively turned into a fish. In this final post, I’d like to review some of my highlights of working with Millar Western.

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A Day in the Wetlands

September 14, 2018 2:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of my favorite things about working for Millar Western has been the endless learning opportunities that I have been presented with. On one particular occasion, I was lucky to be a part of a wetlands training for our woodlands office put on by Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC). The purpose of this training was to help our woodlands team gain a better understanding of the different classes of boreal wetlands that we may encounter during our field operations.

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What’s In My Cruise Vest?

September 14, 2018 2:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A forester’s cruise vest carries all the gear needed for the day. Here are the essentials that you can always find in mine:

  • First aid kit/Survival kit – These are definitely essential. You can never be sure that things will go safely when you’re in the field; with a first aid and survival kit on your person,

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September 13, 2018 2:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Wow, time really flies! I can’t believe this is my last blog. It’s been an amazing experience and although I am back home in the hustle and bustle of the lower mainland, I will never forget the small town experience I had in Quesnel. I gave myself some time to really reflect on my experiences of this term. From the amazing people I met,

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Last Adventure

September 13, 2018 2:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

On the last weekend of my internship, most of the West Fraser interns went out to one of their cabins on Quesnel lake. Quesnel lake is one of the deepest lakes in BC with a depth of 2000 feet. After following the convoy of cars after work on Friday down a dirt and gravel road that likely took a few years off my little Subaru’s life,

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