Categories for Green Dream Blog

Back again in Canada’s Greenest Workforce

June 12, 2017 2:33 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello Everyone!

I am incredibly excited to be writing to you all in my second year as a Green Dream Blogger! I hope there will be some familiar faces reading these posts, but even more so I hope my writing is able to reach many new people. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Sydney and this fall I will be heading into my fourth and final year in the Natural Resource Science degree program at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops,

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Everything You Didn’t Already Know About My Summer; Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

September 19, 2016 3:28 pm Published by 2 Comments

On the afternoon of Friday, August 26th, I found myself saying my final goodbyes to everyone in the office at West Fraser Plywood, Williams Lake. I’ve had some time to reflect on the busy day of handing in gear, cleaning up my truck, and enjoying a pizza and cake lunch with the office, and I decided that you guys don’t know some things about my work term.

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The Art of Silviculture

September 19, 2016 3:18 pm Published by 1 Comment

My main role at West Fraser has included mostly silviculture work. This field in forestry relates to how the landscape is managed post-harvest, and from what I’ve experienced and witnessed working under Silviculture Forester, Sue, it is truly an art. As a silviculture forester, you have to be so in tune with the forest and passionate about the ecology of the landscape.

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My last blog post

September 7, 2016 7:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Well, my summer in Vancouver and at Canfor is coming to an end and I can’t say I am happy about it. I can easily report this has been one of the best summers I have ever had. Getting to experience Vancouver and all it has to offer has been amazing. I feel very at home in this city and am not looking forward to leaving.

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Food Truck Fridays and Canfor BBQs

September 7, 2016 7:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Everyone looks forward to Fridays, but at the head office in Vancouver at Canfor, the day is extra special. This is because we have Food Truck Fridays! Every week a different food truck comes and provides us with a variety of healthy options for lunch. I especially look forward to it because it’s the one day a week I don’t have to make a lunch for myself.

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