Categories for Green Dream Blog

Planting A New Forest

May 28, 2014 9:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When first applying for this position, I had no idea what to expect. New forest, first forestry job, none of my usual comforts acquired through my last 8 years on Vancouver Island. Needless to say, I was all nerves….Would my university education actually prepare me for the industry (a huge concern for many university students!)? Would I actually like it?

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Hitting The Ground Running

May 26, 2014 8:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I am all done my training and officially started my job! Yay! My job this summer is to check the quality of the trees that planters (contractors hired by Millar Western) put into the ground. This is the first time I have ever been looking over other people’s work, which is a huge responsibility, because their pay is determined by the quality of the planting.

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A New Start

May 26, 2014 8:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello all my name is Chris, and I am the Mechanical Engineer Intern for Canfor in Bear Lake. I am originally from Hamilton Ontario and I take Mechanical Engineering Technology at Mohawk College. Let me tell you a little about my past.

So I am in my 3rd and final year of my program in college, and this is my 3rd of the 4 internships I must complete,

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Putting My Education To Good Use

May 26, 2014 8:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

To open this series of blog posts I would like to thank Daishowa-Marubeni (DMI) and the green dream work force for this excellent learning opportunity in the forestry sector.  Just last semester I completed my third year of chemical engineering and I am now working at DMI in the technical department of their pulp mill from May to the end of August. 

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My First Week in Alberta

May 23, 2014 9:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hi I’m Brooke and I will be completing my Green Dream internship with Weyerhaeuser Timberlands in Grande Prairie, Alberta. It’s hard to believe I’m already headed into week 2 up here; everything’s been a whirlwind of activity between leaving Ontario and getting settled up here in Alberta. Flying on my own was a new experience in itself on top of moving to a location where you literally know no one.

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My First Week As A Chemical Engineering Intern!

May 23, 2014 8:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello Everyone!! My name is Ahmed, I’m from Toronto, ON, and I’ve been hired by AV Cell Inc as a chemical engineering Co-op student for four months starting on May 1st 2014. This is the first blog I have ever written, so bear with me.

A couple of years ago I never would have thought I would be where I am right now working as a chemical engineering Co-op student for AV Cell inc ,

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A New Beginning

May 23, 2014 8:47 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s my first time blogging, so I think I’d better introduce myself…

My name is Donjeta Ademaj and I am one of the lucky winners of the Greenest Workforce Internship Program. I recently graduated from the Human Resources Program at Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. I left my hometown in Toronto, and began my exciting adventure at AV Nackawic,

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My first week at Weyerhaeuser

May 20, 2014 1:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Initially I would like to thank Weyerhaeuser and The GreenestWorkforce for this delightful opportunity. Everyone at Weyerhaeuser was very welcoming and aided my transition from being a student in Vancouver to worker in Princeton.

My name is Riley Finn, I am from Kitchener Ontario and I am studying natural resource conservation at the University of British Columbia. In October of 2013 I received an email from the faculty of forestry’s student services,

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New Horizons

May 20, 2014 11:17 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hi Friends!

Here I begin my dedicated blog-writing to document my experience as an intern in Whitecourt, Alberta.  My name is Elizabeth, and I am an environmental engineering intern at Millar Western.  Surprisingly, it has been two weeks on the job, and already its truly remarkable how much I've learned.

First things first: Being a lover of nature and the outdoors,

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My first week as an Electrical Engineer Intern!

May 20, 2014 10:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hi everyone, my name is Kevin and I am currently working as an Electrical Engineer Intern at Canfor's sawmill in Mackenzie. I spent the first week working with the Electrical Technicians learning and assisting with troubleshooting PLCs out here in the field. From working with the technicians, I have come to learn the importance of communication and teamwork between the engineers and the technicians.

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A New Kind of Connection

May 15, 2014 4:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Even as a returning adult student, I found myself starting my university career with grand ideas of obtaining an education that would make the world a better place. I began by starting my education with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, learning of the intricate web of connections between DNA to cells to a living being that almost bordered on the spiritual.

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Interviewing the People of West Fraser!

May 15, 2014 4:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A lot of students, including myself at one point, don’t want to move too far from the city, and are hesitant to try new industries that they don’t know much about. The intention of this blog post is to given an insight on what those working in the pulp and paper industry believe it is about.

Could you give an overview of what you do at SLP?

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Road Exploration Part II

May 11, 2014 10:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This exploring is not only an amazing way to familiarize myself with the area and its inhabitants, but also my co-workers for the coming months. The people you spend your day with can make or break a job, as you often spend more time with co-workers then your own family! (And being so far from home, it is certainly true for me.)

As stated by Sarah,

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Road Exploration Part I

May 9, 2014 10:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Amazing start to the season! After a week of being guided through the safety culture and orientation to principles of Tembec, my fellow summer students and I have been released into the Martel forest. After a hard, snowy winter, the roads moving through these forests have been revealed, so we begin explore them for access.

On Thursday of this week,

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