Categories for Green Dream Blog

Really, I’m always sort of blogging

July 23, 2019 9:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Just recently I passed my one-year anniversary of writing in a journal. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure if it’s really a journal because I record my thoughts in feelings in it so maybe that makes it a diary (this mildly offends my rugged masculinity) . The entries I’ve had in my “journal” largely reflect the undertones that I’ve had in my blog.

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Short Story: An Afternoon in the Wilderness

July 22, 2019 10:40 am Published by 1 Comment

I woke up to the morning sunlight showering into my home, warming my chilled face. I yawned slowly and stretched hard, shaking my body. I didn’t want to be up this early. I could hear my children beginning to stir from their slumbers and I knew that sleeping in is not an option with 2 under 2. I wandered over to my babies to be surprised with kisses and cuddles.

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Courting Lady Macdonald and the Retiring Dryers

July 16, 2019 11:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Unfortunately for the last several weeks, the heavens have decided to turn Edson into a marsh. I have brought up my hiking shoes this time, but I suspect that even they would get extremely soaked and/or destroyed by the crazy weather. My coworker Neil, one of the electricians, did a mock rain dance when the weather was hot and dry –

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The Land of Twelve Foot Davis

July 15, 2019 11:04 am Published by Leave your thoughts

For this blog I thought I’d share a bit about my hometown of Peace River, a beautiful northern community that depends on forestry to employ many people and support the local economy. If I do a really, really good job maybe you’ll pack your bags and move here, but my goal is just to put my town on your radar.

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LiDAR & how it can inform forestry practices

July 9, 2019 11:09 am Published by 2 Comments

Welcome back, dear reader. In this instalment, I’m going to share my understanding of LiDAR technology, and further delve into how it can inform forestry practices.

What is LiDAR technology?

LiDAR, or Light Detection And Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses pulses of laser light to measure distances to the earth’s surface,

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