Categories for Green Dream Blog

#lifesbetter here – even for the new grad

August 6, 2015 11:31 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last few summers at Tolko, I have definitely learned that #lifesbetterhere at work. However, as graduation sneaks up on me, I am beginning to realize how much I really want a job after I am finished with my undergrad degree.

I sat down with two members of Tolko’s HR team to find out what jobs are available to new university graduates right out of school.

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Where can you be in 30 minutes (or less)?

August 6, 2015 11:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I have consistently bragged about my commute (or lack thereof) here in Vernon, but I do more than go to work and home in the summer! I thought that I should share a few of the awesome places I can visit that are 30 minutes or less from Tolko’s Vernon Office.

  1. The Lake – 10 minutes
  2. You can be on the beach on world-famous Okanagan Lake or award-winning Kalamalka Lake in just ten minutes.

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Three Months Down, One to Go

August 5, 2015 10:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

These 3 months have flown by and August is going to be even quicker, judging by how busy it’ll be. In a somewhat masochistic fashion, I have scheduled my river diesel replacement, steam reduction, and fire suppression repair jobs all within a two week period in August. It’s going to be a busy couple weeks to say the least. I’ll have multiple contractors working each job,

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Enjoying the Wild

August 4, 2015 1:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There is fulfillment in walking the pathless woods, listening to the trees sway in the wind and the birds call out above your head. Walking through the forest, which often has been left undisturbed from human activity aside from the odd hunter or trapper, is my absolute favourite part of working within the forestry industry. I have had the luxury of finding wild berries as I weave my way through the forest.

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Dog days of summer

July 29, 2015 2:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I am sure everyone has heard about the relentless wildfires in western Canada this summer, and Hinton has not been exempt. Due to sustained hot, dry conditions, fires have flared up everywhere, including a few fires on the forest management area and one in nearby Jasper National Park. This has made for some hazy, smoky conditions to complement the sweltering heat Hinton has been experiencing over the past few weeks.

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