Categories for Green Dream Blog

EMEND and a Helicopter

August 7, 2013 11:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The other day I got the opportunity to do something that I had been looking forward to since getting the internship with DMI, go for a flight in a helicopter. This was one of the things that they mentioned I may be able to do during my time here at DMI, and I was thrilled when I was told that it was actually going to happen.

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Flight in a Helicopter

August 7, 2013 10:56 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The other day I got the opportunity to do something that I had been looking forward to since getting the internship with DMI, go for a flight in a helicopter. This was one of the things that they mentioned I may be able to do during my time here at DMI, and I was thrilled when I was told that it was actually going to happen.

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August 6, 2013 12:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This summer is flying by and is almost to an end. I have been to the West Edmonton Mall a few times now, a rodeo, Jasper National Park and even to the falls here in Whitecourt!  And since so much has gone on recently, I decided to put some of my extra and old photos in a slideshow, which can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this blog post. 

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Pine beetles and noxious weeds!

August 2, 2013 2:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After wrapping up the marginal ground project a couple weeks ago, I have been pretty busy, hence the overdue blog entry! FP Innovations left Grande Prairie to analyze the collected data and will eventually publish the results of the trial project, which should be interesting to read once released!  Also, one of the equipment operators was kind enough to take us all for dinner to celebrate the end of the project!

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The Final Stretch

August 1, 2013 1:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It feels like yesterday that I entered my first blog post, but it has been a month since then! So much has happened, and I can finally feel the summer winding down and my brain getting into school mode as that time approaches. The past week, I have been checking the pine beetle traps and working on culvert inspections –

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A Barrage of Activities

August 1, 2013 12:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Well, this summer is almost at its end. A mere three and a half weeks more, and I will be essentially finished my summer internship at Millar Western. I will save a summary of my entire summer and experience for my next and final blog.

            These past few weeks have been quite interesting, with the start of a new project on the lumber side,

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Making Biogas at Slave Lake Pulp

July 31, 2013 1:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Biomethanation with Power Generation Project 

My work at Slave Lake Pulp has been exclusive to the current biomethanation project at Slave Lake Pulp, and up to this point I have not talked much about the ins and outs of the project.  So here is a small project breakdown:

The scope of the $40 million biomethanation project currently underway at Slave Lake Pulp is quite substantial;

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Myth: I can make more money in oil, gas, and mining.

July 30, 2013 11:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Fact: There is no way to prove this definitively, as the variety of positions is incredible. We can say that Tolko offers competitive wages in our wide range of careers.

However, when you’re ready to settle down after making money by working on the rigs, living in temporary housing or commuting each week, we hope that you will think of us first.

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Myth: There is no future in forestry.

July 29, 2013 11:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Fact: The forestry industry changing quickly. New markets are opening rapidly in the booming Asia-Pacific region. An insatiable thirst for building material has quickly opened once-unthinkable gateways. The economy is picking up again in more established domestic markets. New, innovative products are propelling sales, and consumers are more conscious than ever about using renewable resources. Bio-fuels, bio-plastics, pharmaceuticals,

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Holy Beetles! July 28, 2013

July 28, 2013 1:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This past week has been an interesting one! Kyle and I center lined two roads, which were by far the toughest we have done so far, requiring us to travel through dense brush and swamps. At the end of the day, we felt we had really accomplished something and were able to see the results of our work on GPS.

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This Isn’t Your Father’s Forestry

July 26, 2013 5:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Tolko takes co-ops and interns seriously. This isn’t your father’s forestry.

Working in human resources, I realize that the numbers don’t lie: forestry’s aging workforce is an unavoidable challenge for the industry for the next decade.

Luckily, Tolko has taken notice of the issue. An era of increased retirements has come to stay. In response, Tolko has overhauled its approach in recruiting youth and students,

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Summer goes on

July 23, 2013 1:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hello again.  It feels like summer is almost over, with only about one month left of the internship! Where does the time go?

I have spent the majority of this past week with Kyle Waterman, another intern, doing culvert inspections and center lining roads. Last Friday, we ran into some heavy rain in our adventure to find a road.

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Weekend at the rodeo!

July 23, 2013 12:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

So these past two weekends have been full of excitement. I started my first weekend by going to a rodeo that I talked about in my earlier blog. I had never been to a rodeo before, and I was looking forward all week to going to this one. It involved many different competitions, with participants from all ages.  But my two favorite competitions were the bull take-down and the bucking competition,

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